Qubool Hai 21st May 2013 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence

Asad is very tensed, thinking about his friend’s advise, to express his love now in front of zoya, as everything has a right time, and after that the person misses his chance. They boys ask asad to go outside while they send zoya. Asad thinks that today he should tell everything truly, to Ms. Farooqui, or rather zoya, and begin a new chapter in their life.(MITWA MOMENT)Zoya too has been sent out by her friends, teasing her that asad wants to talk to her alone, something that he cant say to her, in front of everyone. As she walks towards asad, zoya thinks that asad has called her outside to end everything. She thinks that she has to mentally prepare herself to accept it. Asad says to her not to run away, before hearing her out completely. Zoya thinks that she can run away from asad, and the truth for long, so let it be now. she asks him what he wants to say. he as usual fumbles to find words. He comes closer to her, (MITWA MOMENT)

Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia is asked by haseena for the reason of the occassion. Badi bi says that she never needed reason to celebrate. Razia says that this frunction is in the honour of ayan and humaira’s marriage. Haseena and everyone are shocked, when they find that ayan and humaira are already married. Rashid and badi bi refuse to believe it. shirin too is stunned. haseena too says that marriages dont happen so silently. Razia says this one happened like this only, and she has proof of this too. she goes and shows the signatures on the documents, that they had signed earlier. Razia says that they had already agreed to get married, then why bother about small rituals, and got them marrioed straightaway. she says that now she can give a grand fuinction. Seeing everyone stunned, razia aasks them to congratulate the couple, as humaira is now the wife of ayan ahmed khan, and ayan is her son in law. She smiles victoriously, eyeing badi bi.

Rashid says that this is a farce, as their children cant do this. He asks ayan and humaira, if they knew about this. They are at a loss for an answer. Ayan looks at razia, while she coaxes him to accept that he wanted to get married and hence he signed the papers. ayan stays silent. Rashid asks him to speak up. Razia says that silence indicates approval, and he has said so. Badi bi says that she has the faith, that ayan can never do this. She asks ayan the same, but he doesnt respond. As humaira begins to question razia, she silences her by saying that she might be looking as if she’s lying, but the court papers would prove her point, and shows them the paper victoriously, which to her ignorance, she doesnt know is the painting of a tiny toddler. Seeing their confused looks, and haseena bursting into laughter, razia is surprised. rashid asks razia not to joke around, and shirin too agrees. badi bi too reprimands razia for this. Haseena teases her saying that for the girl’s marriage, she went back to childhood, losing her sanity. Mamu jaan too reprimands her for this stupid joke, and asks her the reason for this. Rashid says that it mightnt have been a joke, and maybe she had conspired something for humaira’s marriage, and it backfired. They all confront her as to if she secretly tried to get them married. Badi bi too says that the couple was silent, and it looks like that they were the ones surprised the most, and razia was very dteremined that she had gotten them married, which could mean just one thing, that she tried to take advantage of their innocence and get them married. she asks humaira and ayan about the signs that she had taken for some property papers. 

Razia is shocked to speechlessness. Haseena too feigns shock at razia getting children to sign false documents. Razia fakes a apanic attack, which makes them ttend to her, while badi bi, ayan and rashid see theorugh it.
Lying in her bed, Razia says that she doesnt think that she would live long, and apologizes for anything wrong that she might have done. Mamu asks the explanation for what just happened. she tries to avert the topic. Humaira says that they should let razia rest, and razia too agrees saying that she would sleep, and if she doesnt have time left, then this would be her last day. While all leave for her to rest, she gets up relieved.

Razia thinks that she had a very close shave, but she’s boggled how did the documents change in her file, and thinks that its badi bi’s trap. Badi bi comes and says that the trap is by her, and not she herself. Badi bi says that to get this done, she worked so hard, and goes onto tell what she did. she tells how she accidentally bumped into the waiter, and got him to give the file to her, which she surfed through, and found out. She reminds her that only five days are left, and that she should prepare her departure.

Location: Asad’s residence
Asad remembers his romantic moments with zoya, and addresses her for baring his heart out. They are interrupted by tanveer’s howling, asking out for Asad to save her. He turns around to find tanveer’s dupatta on fire, and they both are shocked. Asad runs to help tanveer, while zoya is stunned to silence. He goes on to douse the fire, while tanveer is screaming incoherently. Zoya remembers her own fire scare seeing tanveer in fire, and is stunned to stone, when asad asks her to give the shawl. Finally she comes back, and runs and gives it to asad. Asad douses the fire, and takes tanveer in his arms and goes inside, while zoya looks on. The screen freezes on tanveer’s victorious face as she lies in asad’s arms.

Precap: Lying in the hospital bed, Tanveer tells the doctor that she had a fire proof gel on her body, hence she wasnt scathed by the heat of the fire. she tells the doctor that now she knows what to do, and that is that family members waiting outside should never know the truth. Zoya hears this from the window, and is surprised.
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