Qubool Hai 19th April 2013 Written Update

Razia curses Dilshad and says.. ek maa ki hai lagegi Dilshad ko.. Allah kare uske bachcho ko khushi naseeb na ho… n says this is my curse..! Dilshad ..Najma breakdown watching the whole thing on laptop! Zoya says she din do anything and that Dilshad cannot do all this..! She tells Humeras dad that she did nothing n neither did Dilshad..! Zoya says Humera is like her younger sis ..! Razia fumes hearing that and slaps Zoya ..! Asad watches the live stream and fumes ..! All are shocked ..! Tanvir smirks..! Razia says this is her message to Dilshad.. n tells Zoya to tell Dilshad that her secret is out..! Asad breaks the laptop.. and charges out but Dilshad stops him! She asks him to stop ..but he says..he will go and face them off..! Dilshad says..they are not related.. so why get affected? Asad says.. its needed to let them know.. who they are.. and Dilshad asks him to stop n gives her oath..n says..this is not the right time to go..! Asad stops midway ..slams the door …! Asad says all this wont have happened if Zoya had not gone!

Razia tries to slap Zoya again when Rasheed n Shireen intervene! Rasheed says.. he knows Zoya and she cant do anything wrong! Razia says ofcourse..since she has come from Dilshads place..! Rasheed says..all this is madness.. black magic is all sham..! Razia says..all this is a fact… she asks why is Rasheed acting so indifferent? Cant he see Humeras condition? Razia says.. Zoya is a model of shamelessness and is walking around with Dilshad always.. ! Razia says.. Zoya came here in disguise.. in veil ..so as to do wrong on behalf of Dilshad! Ayan too defends Zoya .. ! Razia tells Shireen that Dilshad has trapped her hubby n now her son too..! Razia is about to slap Zoya and asks her to tell the truth… when Ayan stops her n says..enough..! 

There is a noise of ambulance arrival.. ! All rush Humera to the ambulance..! Zoya tells Ayan that she din do anything n he says …he knows.. n asks her to go home! Zoya is about to touch Humera when Humeras dad tells Zoya to dare not.. n that he wont spare Zoya if anything happens to Humera..! He walks out..! Zoya is left all alone as all guests leave..!

Asad storms inside Zoyas room and starts to pack her luggage..! Najma asks Asad to think calmly n not be so impulsive..! Asad says.. they dun want him to answer back to Razia.. they dun want him to deal with Zoya despite seeing whatever happened? What to do? Najma says.. they saw..everything but dunno reason of all that..! Asad asks Najma to do Zoyas packing or he will n she agrees to do it..! Asad storms off..!

Rasheeds mom asks for status update on Humeras condition on phone..! She notices a vodoo doll near the plate of sweets and flowers that Zoya had brought! She recollects Shireen alleging her of doing black magic and then Razias threat that Rasheeds mom will be kicked out of their home soon! She concludes that all this is Razia trick..! But she wonders why Razia will put Humeras life in danger? 

Tanvir calls Razia and asks about Humera! Razia says.. no idea..as yet.. ! Razia asks how Tanvir knows about this? Tanvir says.. coz of Zoya ..! Razia says that had Tanvir gotten Zoya kicked out..all this wont have happened..! Razia says that doubt Zoya can pull such a big trick ..! She says..she knows who poisoned Humera..! Tanvir is sweating. n asks who did it?.! Razia tells.. her to do her job and warns her to send Zoya off or she will strangle her ..! Tanvir assures that Razia does not need to worry anymore about Zoya! Tanvir cuts the call and says..this is called.. hitting two birds with one stone.. Razia will suffer her daughters death and Zoya will be thrown out..!

Rasheeds mom asks Zoya if she is Dilshads guest? She says yes! Rasheeds mom asks why Zoya came here? Zoya says…she din come with any bad intent.. she says..she came coz of Asad.. as he wanted to come but couldnt..! Rasheeds mom asks why Zoya mixed poison in the sweets? Zoya says..she cant do all this.. why no one trusts her? Rasheeds mom says..they saw.. how the sweet Zoya gave Humera led her to faint..! She asks Zoya if the sweets were with Zoya all the time?Zoya says..she kept it once or twice.. away from her.. but no one took it..! She thinks n remembers giving the sweets to Tanvir..! Rasheeds mom asks Zoya to find out the truth.for her sake..! Zoya says.. people trust what they see.. no one will believe her.. especially Asad.! She leaves from there.. !! 

Tanvir asks Asad to calm down.. ! She says that she did have a faint feeling that things would turn worse if Zoya went there..! Asad asks if she knew about Zoyas intent of going THERE? Tanvir says yes..but dinno what Zoya was gonna do..but then she is stubborn..! Asad says.. n coz of that.. lands all in trouble! Tanvir says…she is praying that may the things not blow up any further…! She says that Razia is blaming Dilshad.. n Zoya will be the proof.. so if Humera doesnt survive.. wonder what will happen to Dilshad? Asad fumes..! Tanvir assures her support to Asad..! 

Zoya returns .. n finds Asad in the hallway .. fuming n all the others looking tense..! Asad asks Zoya why she went to THAT home? Zoya stays mum ..! Asad is walking towards Zoya while glaring at him n Dilshad n Najma try to stop him but he closes in on Zoya…n asks her to reply! Zoya says..she thought.. n Asad fires her.. n asks her…who gave her right to think? Coz of her.. Razia is blaming Dilshad..! She says..she went for Ayan n Asad says..all this is her doing… she says.. all this is a joke for her.. n she went there without thinking..din think of anyone.. not even him..! Zoya is in tears .. n looks at Asad..who looks hurt and angry! He asks Zoya why she din tell anyone about her her plans to go THERE? She says..she told Tanvir n Asad says. not to blame her… as she does not know the outcome of this..! Asad asks..why she din tell him? She says.. he would have said no.! Asad says exactly .. n thats coz..like now..they are alleging them . n also blaming them.. for Humeras condition ..! Zoya says she din do anything! Asad asks if Zoya gave sweets to Humera? 

The immigration guy comes n says.. surprise.. they came to congratulate AsYa on their engagement.. ! He says..its 5pm ..where are the preparations? Asad and all are mum ..! Dilshad tries to explain but Asad says.. there is no engagement happening here..! The immigration guy says.. Asad had only said.. so..! Asad says..they had lied.. n there is no relation between him n Zoya..! Zoya looks on hurt.. Dilshad .. Najma are sad.. Tanvir smirks..! Asad says.. ‘Jine rishto ki kadar na ho. .unke sath.. kisi ka koi rishta nahi ho sakta’! The immigration officer says … Asad ko aapna jhoot Qubool hai..! He says.. he knew they were lying. n says.. Zoya has to leave India rightaway..! 

Dilshad says their is some big issue but they can resolve this mess but Asad says.. there is nothing to resolve.. n says.. the officer can take Zoya away.. this country is not meant for her…! Asad says that its better that Zoya leaves..! Zoya breaksdown..!

Precap — 

Asad rushes to the airport .. n jumps all security … and screams Zoya..! He finds her.. kneels and puts the ring on her finger..! All clap..! AsYa eyelock!