Qubool Hai 28th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Orphanage
Mamujaan reprimands the caretakers for people who are dressed up like that and speak so rudely with such people, and laments that he spent his time time here in vain. he leaves in a huff.
Location: Haseena’s residence
As haseena is helped down the car by imran, he finds tanveer over the hedge. He asks her to inside, while he just comes. Tanveer says that she had to since he wasnt responding. He gives her some money and says to get lost. Tanveer says that she had asked for more. Imran says that her demands are too high. tanveer says that her demands are too low, as she hasnjt asked him to marry her. Imran says that she left him so that she could marry someone influential, and how is that faring out now. Tanveer says that she would in due course of time, and till then he would have to take the trouble, as its his child after all. Imran says that he bears no relation with the child, and asks her not to place one. Tanveer says that soon the child would have his rightful name. tanveer says taht he should jsut continue doing what he is, and she would be okay with him. Haseena calls out for imarn and he leaves, while tanveer smirks.

Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan overhears nikhat and nuzrat talking about the happy days, when humaira was with them and spend time together. She says that she cant believe whats changed, time or them. They see ayan and ask if he has any info. Ayan says no. He comes and sits and sees the photo album, with huamaira in those pictures. Ayan says that he wishes time reverts so that she can be pampered by him. Nikhat and nuzrat hug and console him.

Razia thinks that she’s going crazy for humairea, now that she isnt found after a month. Razia says that she had told all the info. Tanveer says that she had made all the arrangements, but the bus didnt come. Razia says that it went into an accident. razia says that she found out, that humaira wasnt on the bus, and if she wasnt, then where she went. Tanveer says that if she got down, its impossible to trace her now. razia says that before she could celebrate zoya’s going, this tragedy happened. Mamujaan comes in disturbed, and razia asks him what happened, while still on call. Mamujaan tells her about the incident. Tanveer hears all this, through the phone. He leaves for the committee meeting. Tanveer asks if there’s any problem. Razia says that mamu either searches for the daughter, or keeps himself busy in work, so that he dopesnt remember her. Razia says that she sent humaira to teach ayan a lesson, and if she tells everyone, then they would all know the truth. She tells tanveer that she would call her, if need be. As razia turns around, she finds badi bi listening to all this. Razia is shocked. Badi bi reprimands her for doing this to make ayan feel guilty, and razia can do what she wants, and asks if she ever feels what ayan is going through. badi bi says that she has done what she wanted to, and now its her turn. As she leaves, she is stopped by razia. Badi bi asks her to get aside. Razia forces her inside and stops the door. read full updates daily with pics only at desitvbox.com badi bi says that her secret would be out now, as that lady isnt a woman, who uses her daughter for her evil plans. Razia tries to strangle her. Badi bi says that she wont die, before unveiling her, and throws razia aside. razia says that who would she tell it to, as noone is in the house. Badi bi tells razia that she would tell everything to everyone today, and decides to place a call. But ass oon as she dials the number, Razia cuts off the telephone cord, and uses the same to strangle Badi bi, and reminds her of what she had doen to her, when she had sent her to assylum, but badi bi vehemently says that nothing can happen to her by Razia, and that she would tell everyone the truth. Razia gets into a monstrous mode, and throws badi bi, against the wall, bashing her head against it. Badi bi falls unconscious. She feels for badi bi’s pulse, and finds is gone. She is shocked to find that Badi bi might be dead. Razia carries badi bi into a sack to get rid of her, once and for all, escaping everyone’s eyes. she thinks that she would puts her in the graveyard in the backyard and then noone shall notice. She decides to tell ayan that she has gone somewhere without telling anyone anything.
But suddenly badi bi’s hands fall out, and she sees her eyebrows twitching. Razia finds that she is paralysed. Razia puts her hands again into the sack, which were falling out limply. Just then, the horn and the headlights of the car coming, shocks her. She hides, leaving the sack there only. Razia shocked. mamujaan gets down, and instructs the driver somethings. He gets a call, while badi bi is lying there, without her attention. Razia is very tensed.
Scene 4:
Location: Asad’s residence and orphanage
While tanveer is roaming around eating Tamarind, her eyes fall on asad changing. she longs out for him. She thinks that after some days, she wont have to see him through hiding. Asad comes and sits on his study table, and switches on the laptop, and starts caressing zoya’s pic. She is irritated. (MITWA) Asad is surfing throrugh the pictures. Tanveer is irritated that zoya is still here, even though she is not. She wonders what if she actually returns.
Zoya does her prayers, and gets ready to sleep. Asad too is far from sleeping. Tanveer leaves in a huff. But then she turns around, and remembers mamujaan talking about a jeans clad girl in Madarsa, and hopes that it isnt zoya.
Scene 5:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia thinks that since badi bi is paralysed, she wont be able to tell anyone anything. She decides to lock her in the store room. As mamu is busy on the call, razia stealthily approaches badi bi and carries her away from there. She comes dangerously close to mamujaan, while he’s busy on call, but manages to place the sack, and her head inside. Mamu turns around, just in the nick of time. Razia is shocked to find him looking at her. The screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Asad crosses the orphanage, oblivious that zoya’s there, who also doesnt know that asad’s car is passing through. just then, due to an accident, a child gets hurt, and zoya carries him into her arms, while asad sees her in the rear view mirror, and is overwhlemed to have finally found her.


Qubool Hai 27th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence
Asad is hallucianting zoya sitting beside him, and they enjoying their food at the dining table. But when he extends a napkin to give to her, he realises she isnt there, and gets distraught again. He is completely in tears. He lies on the bed, upset and dishevelled. He hallucinates zoya lying next to her. Again is upset when he finds her gone. He wonders where is she.
Scene 2:
Location: In an orphanage
Zoya is all alone and desperate, and the caretakers too ask her to step out and see the outside world, and she doesnt know what tragedy she must have meted in her life. She asks her to get over it and start on a new life. But zoya is still in tears thinking about what happened to her. she too hallucinates asad standing watching her. (MITWA MOMENT)

Scene 3:
Location: in the hospital
The doctors tell her that everything is right with her baby, and soon the bump would begin to show, and this tenses her. She thinks that asad hasnt gotten over zoya still, and she is facing a monent, when she has to act real fast. As she’s paying at the counter, Tanveer says that she forgot to get the money, and decides to pay later. Tanveer says that asad’s rudeness has come along with her poverty. She finds Imran having come there with haseena. Imran gets a call from tanveer but ignores it. He sees the call again, and is disturbed, and puts the cell aside. The doctor comes and tries to tell her other precautions, but tanveer is upset that she didnt get a chance to talk to Imran.
Scene 4:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan is frustrated when he hears from the police that they dont have any info about humaira, for a month now. badi bi comes and asks him to take it easy, as its already being done, whatever can be. Razia says that that person would be found who is lost, but not one, who herself intends to be lost. She again blames ayan for humaira’s condition today. badi bi asks if she is doubting ayan’s intentions as he’s trying all that he can. razia says that it pains to those who are hurt, and what if ayan was lost, then she would have understood. read full updates daily with pics only at desitvbox.com Razia says that she is saying as if she feels she herself has gotten her daughter to disappear, and then composes herself for fear of having spoken too much.She composes herself and says that she never wanted that Ayan engages humaira. Ayan intervenes saying that she shouldnt make their lives more poisonous and troublesome as it is. As he leaves frustratedly, Badi bi says that she is worse than even the wickedest witch. Badi bi says that she needs to tell her if what she’s thinking is true. Razia gets uneasy and asks her what she means by that. She leaves in haste. Badi bi says that there’s some conspiracy in Humaira’s sudden disappearance and is determined to find it out.
Scene 5:
Location: Orphanage
mamujaan gives a huge donation to the orphanage, and is taken on a tour of the orphanage with the caretakers. They tell him abou the future plans, oblivious that his daughter is working there. As they both turn around to face each other, mamujaan is asked if he found his daughter. Mamu denies saying that its his life’s bigest irony, unaware that she is standing right behind her. He says that sometimes he feels that he would turn around and she would be facing him. He says that he hopes that he finds her soon. Zoya comes with the plate of tea and snacks, which is spilled over by a boy, who accidentally collides into her, making her spill tea over mamujaan, who is infuriated at the boy. Mamujaan reprimands the boy for being ill mannered, as its true that people who dont have parents are always worse. As the child is about to run away, and mamujaan is about to hit him, his hand is stopped by zoya, whose face is veiled with the dupatta. mamu stops himself. When the caretakers ask what happened, mamu asks if they give money for being meted out to such rude behaviour by their staff. He tells the caretakers what happened. He is about to be furious, when Zoya says that noble people are those who do good work and not pass judgement. As she is about to walk off, mamu jaan stops her. He asks her if she knows nobility more than him. She says that she spends her entire life, trying to know more, and only God knows everything. As she walks off, the screen freezes on mamujaan’s stern face.
Precap: Badi bi tells razia that she would tell everything to everyone today, and decides to place a call. But ass oon as she dials the number, Razia cuts off the telephone cord, and uses the same to strangle Badi bi, who vehemently says that nothing can happen to her by Razia. Razia gets into a monstrous mode, and throws badi bi, against the wall, bashing her head against it. Badi bi falls unconscious. Razia carries badi bi into a sack to get rid of her, once and for all, escaping everyone’s eyes.

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Qubool Hai 26th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia calls up Tanveer, saying that she too asked her to get zoya out of her way, and she helped her tremendously in that. tanveer says that she might have gone, but not her memories. Razia says that she can handle that alone. tanveer asks her the real purpose of being on call. razia says that she has to do a work for her. tanveer asks her to delay it, as she has to be around asad. Razia tells her that she doesnt like hearing no from her, and whoever refuses her has to face the brunt of it, that she reveals their secrets. Tanveer asks whats the work.Razia tells tanveer on the phone, that humaira is going to Raniganj for her relative’s place, and that she shouldnt reach there, and that she should stop humaira midway and take her to a safe and isolated place for a few days. tanveer is surprised that she wants to kidnap her own daughter. 

Razia explains her that its just to keep her in a safe spot till her plan succeeds, as she has to teach someone a lesson. She tells her about the bus that she’s travelling in. Tanveer agrees. Razia says that for now, what ayan did to humaira, he would have to pay for it by shedding tears of blood.
Razia raises a hue and cry about humaira’s disappearance from the house, and blames ayan, saying that he saw him mistreating humaira twice and thats the reason she is missing, as she must have left the house upset. She says that she was out for two days, and he started mistreating her. shirin defends saying that they kept care of her daughter. Razia questions ayan’s behaviour, when he should have been most responsible for her care and concern. Ayan says that he didnt intend to make that happen. Razia says that this means he has said something. Razia blows it out of proportion. Rashid suggets that she might have gone to a friend’s house, as its just been an hour. Razia asks how can she go to a friend without telling anyone. she asks the other girls if they knew about this, when she herself had stopped humaira from telling anyone, sending her in haste. Razia says that she has never done something like this before. Razia says that even her phone is switched off. seeing ayan tensed, razia remembers how she had intentionally spilled phone on humaira’s cell, so as to stop connectivity, and having sent humaira is haste. Razia pretends to be very angry with rashid on his preposition that she’s dramatising. Mamujaan comes in asking whats happening. all are shocked to see him. He comes in angrily. Razia comes and does the same drama in front of him too, that ayan has said something to humaira that made her leave the house, without any intimation to anyone. Badi bi asks why does she always assume the worst, as she’s mature, and would come soon. Razia says that she might be smart, but ayan isnt, and might spoil her daughter’s life, just like his elder brother did. rashid reprimands her for insulting like this, when she doesnt even know what happened. razia says that he wont understand what a mother goes through. Ayan asks her to be patient, and might return soon. Razia asks what if this doesnt happen, then what. badi bi asks then why is she so bent on ayan marrying humaira, if she dislikes him so much.
Razia says that its due to her daughter’s whim, and that humaira loves ayan, and she bowed to her wishes, but that doesnt mean ayan treats her like shit, and she wont be silently witnessing it. Razia reprimands ayan, that if humaira doesnt return, who would be responsible for that. Ayan is speechlees, while others are disturbed. she turns to mamujaan to call up the police. Mamujaan comes to ayan, and ask him to pray that nothing happens to humaira, coz if anything happens, he would have to pay the price for it. He calls up the police, and walks away. Razia looks with venomous eyes at Ayan. Razia thinks that he has already bowed down on his knees, and now she would make him suffer so much, that the next time, he would think twice before mistreating humaira.
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Asad, distraught at life, remembers his past momenst with zoya.(MITWA MOMENT) Nazma comes and gives the Ipad to asad, saying that maybe she left a note behind or sent an email, or they might get some clue. She says that she was unable to open it, since its passowrd locked, and she couldnt crack it. Asad remembers how zoya had challenged him to find her password. Nazma says that the hint suggests that the password is someone’s nickname who she loves and hates too. Nazma asks him to try it. Asad tries all the different nicknames that zoya had given him, like , Asad ahmed Khan, Asad Bond, Jahapanah Six Packs, Jineillahi, but none work. he breaks down into tears. Nazma consoles and sits beside him. she takes the I PAD, while tanveer is disturbed at seeing this.
While asad is tensed, zoya walks in the room. This overwhelms him, and he comes upto her. He asks her where had she gone, as he dies everytime he takes a breath without her by his side. He asks her to never leave her ever again. Asad asks zoya not to leave him, while zoya looks sternly at him. He hugs zoya, while she is nonchalant. She too hugs him back, and asad finally wakes up from his trance, and realises that it was a dream all along. (MITWA MOMENT) He gets a call.
The inspector calls up to say something, which shocks him. He is in tears, and the phone drops from his hand. Dilshad comes and asks what happened. He tells that there was an accident of a bus on the highway, and zoya might be on it. as dilshad tries to urgently leave, he stops her, and goes himself.
Scene 3:
Location: Morgue
Asad is brought to the morgue to identify a dead body. He sees the feet opf the body, thats wearing jeans. He has aterrible premonition. While the police inspector unveils the dead bodies, asad with his fingers crossed, and his heart in his mouth, is mustering up the courage to face the hard truth, if its zoya’s body. He is highly relieved that it isnt zoya. he tells it to the inspector. He finds ayan there, who points him to a dead body, when asad asks what happened to him, and whats he doing here. Ayan says that its humaira. Asad asks if he’s sure. Ayan says that its the same ring that he had put on humaira’s finger. Asad tries to comfort ayan, while he looks away, as the inspector unveils the face. asad sees that it isnt humaira, and shows to ayan also. Ayan is highly relieved too and hugs asad. Ayan tells the inspector. The inspector asks if he’s sure that the ring is hers. He assures the inspector, whoe leaves for further investigation. Ayan asks why is this happening. Asad says that dilshad always says that God test his best people, and that he never thought that theirs would be so bad. They hug each other, and the screen freezes on their faces.
Precap: Zoya, wanting to be alone and desolate after what happened to her, has taken shelter in an orphanage, or a social institution and is spending her time working there, to keep her mind off her trauma, but is nevertheless sad.


Qubool Hai 25th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan tells humaira that he has promised her to keep her happy, and hence he had decided to marry her, as he didnt want to hurt her. Humaira says that he did hurt her. As she walks off, ayan tries in vain to make her stop. Razia sees this and wonders when would he understand that hurting humaira would only irk her more, as his real anger is on her. That means since he cant be angry at her, he’s trying his anger on Humaira. she decides to teach him a lesson.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya is very hurt and standing on the roof. Aasd comes up behind and sees her like this. As zoya turns around and finds him standing there, she leaves from there, with tears in her eyes, as her dupatta is stuck in the band of his watch. She jerks off and leaves from there. Tanveer comes and sees this. asad turns away from her. She comes to him, and says that she understands his situation as noone is talking to her too, and that she too should leave from here, as then this topic would be over. Asad asks what happened last night and that he doesnt remember anything. He tells what he saw last, and asks her to tell. Tanveer says that she cant. On Asad’s insistence, she says that he saved her, but the goons’ sent by her husband ran away, but one of them before going, hit him. He fell un conscious, and after that she made him lie on the bed. And when he regained consciousness, he saw her, and went to her. She felt asif he needed something, but he drew her close to him, and was led astray by his desires. She says that she tried to stop him, but couldnt as being a woman, she couldnt have competed against him. She asked to go, but he didnt, and did the unthinkable. She askls what would happen to her now, and what would the society call her now. She breaks into tears saying that she cant live with this taint. She breaks down into tears. Asad comes to her and says that he wont let that happen. tanveer says that she cant let him take the brunt, and would take the blame on himself. She says that he’s starting a new life, and he wouldnt let him destroy it. she says that she would live with this taint, and asks her to go to zoya, that all of this is her fault, and then offers to go herself and tell her everything, and take the whole blame. But asad says that he would confess to zoya himself. As asad is feeling very guilty. Tanveer thinks that she cant even say that nothing happened between them, as he was unconscious all the time, but if she didnt do this, Zoya would never have gone.
Asad says to dilshad that he wants to meet zoya. dilshad comments that he started taking her name, when it wasnt his to. She says that her sister is going to come soon, and she would decide the future course of action. Asad again says that he just wants to apologize to zoya for once. dilshad stops him from doing so, but he forces himself and enters zoya’s room himself. They is shocked to find that her stuff is there, but she isnt. Nazma points out that her Ipad and the purse too is here and she doesnt go anywhere without it. They wonder where is he. Asad is highly tensed. He sees the tavvez, that zoya had worn, left behind. as nazma offers to go outside and see, asad exclaims that she has gone. Her sister comes and tells her that she may have gone to New York, to be alone for some time. She begins to reprimand asad for being so close to zoya and still being the one who betrayed her so badly and broke her. She tells dilshad to tell her if she gets any info. As she leaves, dilshad too goes to her room. Nazma too leaves. Asad is very depressed, while tanveer is evilly smiling. She comes to asad, and places her hand on his, but he jerks it away, and leaves. Tanveer is irritated.
Tanveer thinks smilingly that asad should forget about zoya and her memories soon, and that one day, he would have to come to her. She sees dilshad watching her and gets sombre, having a sad expression on her face. Dilshad says to Tanveer that even after doing such a stooped sin, she doesnt have a hint of regret on her face. Tanveer says that she’s feeling very bad, but asad…..but she is stopped by dilshad. She tells tanveer that she is to be blamed more, as its a woman’s responsibility to hold a man composed, and as long as she is here, she would always remind her that they destroyed zoya’s life. she says that tanveer is quite intelligent and says that she hopes she understands her drift, or else she would have to say clearly. tanveer thinks that she had doen all this to stay, whereas she wants her to leave. And now that she is successful, why would she leave, as she is to stay here forever, as her daughter in law. The screen freezes on her evil face.
Precap: Razia tells tanveer on the phone, that humaira is going to Raniganj for her relative’s place, and that she shouldnt reach there. tanveer is surprised. Later, Razia reprimands ayan, that if humaira doesnt return, who would be responsible for that. Ayan is speechlees, while others are disturbed.

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Qubool Hai 24th June 2013 Written Update

Dilshad reminds asad that after all, he is his father’s son. Dilshad says that the upbringing might be the best, but still that cant change the colour of the blood. Asad is deeply hurt while all are shocked. Dilshad asks zoya to come along, while she is crying. The girls pick her up and take her from there, while Tanveer is pretending to be embarassed about it. Rashid motions ayan to come along, while he jerks off his hand to be with asad. Asad looks at rashid venomously. Dilshad leaves with a resigned sigh, and starts walking upto tanveer, who starts crying. As she leaves, tanveer stops her, but dilshad says that only asad is not to blame and what sin has been done, she is equally to be blamed for that. While tanveer is silenced, dilshad leaves. Tanveer too leaves after her. Ayan comes to asad, who is in tears. asad asks to be left alone. Ayan hugs him tight. And finally leaves. Asad, having clutched on to Zoya’s dupatta, is distraught and in tears.

Asad comes to dilshad’s room, and slowly approaches her sitting on the bed. Asad says to dilshad that she knows that she’s angry and doesnt want to even talk with him. He tries to keep his hand on dilshad’s but she stops him with a stern face, surprising him. She takles asad by the hand, and leaves him outside her door, and slams the door on his face. Nazma is in tears seeing this.
Location: Ayan’s residence

badi bi is tensed that people might have come, but noone is talking, and she is very scared. As Rashid arrives, she impatiently asks what happened. Shirin comes down with a resigned sigh. She faces them, and asks sarcastically how was the function, and how they had gone without telling her. She reprimands him for going to the function, of the woman, who is destroying their life, and their happiness, and asks if he enjoyed the function of that lady’s son’s marriage. Rashid, with his children in tow, tells shirin that she won the bet, and that Dilshad’s son didnt get married before her son, and that she won. Shirin is upset. He asks her if she’s happy now that she has won the bet. As rashid leaves, shirin is shocked.

The girls discuss that they cant believe that asad can do something like this. Nuzrat says that boys dont care for emotions and love. Humaira says that not all boys are like that, and there must be a reason. They wonder about what zoya must be going through right now. Ayan comes in and asks if anyone thought what would asad be going through right now. Nikhat says that she regrets saying that he himself is to blame for this, and he took a wrong step, and zoya has to bear its brunt. Ayan refuses to believe that he knows him more than himself, and that he cant break the heart of the girl he’s gonna marry, and maybe he didnt want to marry zoya. Humaira asks if he didnt want to marry, then why didnt he say so. Ayan says that some relations are not based on love, but helplessness, and slowly they are so engulfed that they dont know how much they are deep into it, and there’s no way out. They just have the option, of pretending to the world that they are happy, without showing their suffocation and sadness to anyone around, and having a drama about it in front of the whole world. Seeing ayan speak so passionately about a person who doesnt want to get married, humaira is shocked, and wonders if he’s talking about himself. Ayan too realises this and composes himself, but its too late.
The next morning, ayan is trying asad’s number and is tensed when he doesnt pick up and hopes that he’s okay. Humaira comes in with coffee, and a smiling face. But ayan asks her to keep it and he would have it. But humaira persists as he hadnt eaten anything, and looks tensed too, while he’s busy in other stuff. He jerks her hand off, thereby breaking the coffee cup, and surprising her. She runs out of his room. As she rushes outside the door, she runs into someone, and is surprised to see razia. Shirin and badi bi too are surprised to see her. While humaira is surprised, shirin is happy, badi bi is tensed seeing her. Razia says that she’s back, and that none of the tests had anything wrong. shirin is happy. Razia says that some might be ill now, and that she’s perfectly fine now. She sees humaira tensed and asks what happened, and if she’s okay. Humaira runs to her room. she remembers all the incidents of ayan’s rude behaviour recently, and his outburst.
While ayan is playing the guitar, she says that she always loved him, and therefore never pressurised him into marrying. She says that he asked for her hand, and why did he do that, if he didnt want to. She asks to answer if he truly loves her. Ayan asks whats the matter. she says that she doesnt want the relation to be laid on the foundation of a lie. Ayan says that he’s very tensed right now, and that he wants to be left alone, for some time. Humaira says that her question too is equally important, and she needs to know if he loves her. Ayan is speechless, but says that she is focussing herself on unnecessary bothering. when humaira continues to bother him, he breaks up saying that he doesnt love her, never has and never will. The screen freezes on humaira’s shocked face.
Precap: Asad comes to dilshad and says that he just wants to apologize to zoya for once. dilshad stops him from doing so, and enters zoya’s room herself. She is shocked to find that her stuff is there, but she isnt. Nazma points out that her Ipad and the purse too is here and she doesnt go anywhere without it. They wonder where is he. Asad is highly tensed.

Qubool Hai 21st June 2013 Written Update

Dilshad tells someone that the car must have broken down and asks the person to go check..! A person comes n tells Dilshad to call the groom as Qazi has to go someplace else also..! Zoya n her Api are anxiously waiting for Asad..! Slowly all people leave..! Rasheed is standing next to Dilshad and tells her to take Zoya home…! Humera-Nikhat-Nuzhat all comfort Najma..! Ayan looks at Zoya..! Dilshad puts her hand on Zoyas head and asks …shall they leave? Zoya gets up…her dupatta is stuck in a nail …and recollects Tanvirs words…that if someone wears Dulhans dupatta other than her.. its bad omen..! She says.. to make habit of wearing uttaran.. as soon Asad too will be Tanvirs uttaran! 

Zoyas moby rings..and its Tanvir.. n she says.. ur Mr. Khan din come n wont come either..! Tanvir is in bed with Asad..(He is bare chest) and she is covered with bed sheet and says. told u . ‘Barat tumhari aaegi aur Sej hamari sajegi..’ She laufs out..! She says… ‘Lo saj gai’! Zoya is fuming and shaking in anger! Tanvir asks she is not believing what she heard? Well may be seeing will be believing n tells her that there is an empty godown in Keshav LaL Road.. where she will find her .. Mr. Khan err her Jammy ..! Zoya drops the moby and recollects Tanvirs warning that .. no matter who Asad marries.. suhagraat will be with her! Zoya asks Ayan to give his car keys.. he says… he will drive n duo rush out..!
Zoya reaches the godown… and suddenly notices a closed door…there..! She walks towards it…slowly..! She opens the door n finds Asad asleep with Tanvir on top of him…! There are lipstick marks on Asads body…! Tanvir looks at Zoya smirks and points at Asad..! A tear drops from Zoyas eyes..! Asad slowly gets conscious …and wakes up and sees Zoya infront of him and Tanvir covering herself embarassedly ..! Zoya breaksdown..! Asad looks at himself.. and is shocked…! Zoya shakes her head disappointedly ..as Asad recollects the events before. .of imagining Zoya in Tanvir.. n sleeping with her…!
 BG – Chan se jo toote koi sapna..! Zoya breaksdown and almost falls to the floor but stables herself on the wall and slowly slides out of the room..! She turns and runs..! Tanvir holds Asads hand and says… Jammy she wont understand..! Asad puts on the sherwani and runs after Zoya…! He takes her wedding chruni as Zoya runs …! Asad stumbles and falls before reaching to Zoya..! They are outside and its raining..! Zoya stops and cries as Asad walks to her..! Flashback of Asad dabbing Zoyas head… giving her a rose…! Zoya keeps crying recollecting all the AsYa romantic moments…! Asad is standing behind her and is sad..! She recollects hugging Asad.. him putting color on her.. the engagement..! Asad tells Zoya that he knows.. he knows.. but he says..she was there…and he…! He says..he doesnt remember anything and asks her to listen to him that..what she saw was not the truth…! Asad turns Zoya around when she pushes him off n says.. dun touch me.. and says.. he is talking of truth? HE??? Zoya says .. there is no connecting of truth with Asad…n that she knows what is truth.. n truth was what she saw with her own eyes and truth is that Asad is a very weak man.. n that truth is that he broke her trust..and the truth is … that he broke her heart.. ! She says..she regrets… that she loved.. a man like him …! Asad is stung…! Asad tries to reach out to Zoya and Zoya screams and says.. dun wanna listen to anything..! She turns and leaves from there…! Asad watches… and recollects .. meeting Zoya first time.. her offering him coffee.. sleeping on his shoulder…AsYa in rain…Asad carrying Zoya in his arms… them in the park behind shooting stars..!
Tanvir watches Asad and smirks… !!
 Dilshad tells Zoya this cant be! Zoya breaksdown and falls on the floor..! Her api asks her to calm down..! Dilshad tells Zoya that she must be mistaken! Zoya cries and shakes her head indicating no..! Najma breaksdown…! Asad comes with Tanvir and all look at them…! Asad looks guiltily with tears in his eyes at Zoya and Dilshad and everyone else..! He lowers his gaze… n walks towards them!Zoya continues to cry …! Rasheed-Ayan are pained too! Asad keeps walking towards them …and his lowered gaze.. makes Ayan fume and Dilshad walks upto him and slaps him …! Ayan rushes to Asad when Rasheed stops him…! All are shocked..! Zoya keeps crying..! Dilshad tells Asad that ages back… when Rasheed left her .. people abused and accused her. .but she din retaliate coz Asad n Najma were her pride..! Dilshad says..she was proud of him n her upbringing but today Asad broke her pride… made her lower her head.. dishonored her upbringing..! Asad keeps his eyes low..! Nikhat-Najma-Humera leave from there …! Dilshad asks Asad if he is seeing Zoyas tears? She asks him to identify that these are the same tears that were in his moms eyes.. ages back … n today he did what Rasheed did…!
Dilshad says ..why not… ‘Bewafai to tumhe Virasat me mili hai’! Rasheed-Ayan lower their gaze too..! Asad looks at Rasheed and glares at him…! Asad keeps crying with lowered gaze..!
Precap — Dilshad says.. ‘Chahe kitni bhi aachi parvarish karo.. khoon ka rang nahi badla ja sakta’! Zoya keeps crying..! Asad is standing alone..in the hall holding Zoyas red churni..!

Rasheed angrily tells Shireen that she won… Dilshads sons nikah din happen before her sons… !

Qubool Hai 20th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence
Asad comes out with ayan and the girls. Ayan is forcibly sent off with the girls by asad, as he goes to get the gift. Dilshad is entertaining the guests, and also looking after the preparations. Nazma tells her that zoya is getting ready, while asad too would come down. She asks dilshad to smile and calm down.
As dilshad sees rashid coming from the other side, she is shocked. Dilshad remembers what she had told him the last time. she asks about him being there, as he wasnt invited. He says that he knows he doesnt deserve any respect, but that he doesnt need to be called, as its his right, and he’s heer to deliver his duty.

 He says that he has never done anything for his son, but wants to get his son married today. She is overwhelmed, and is about to say something, but is stopped by zoya, who holds her hand and says that Rashid is right, as her father couldnt be here, but asad’s should be, as all fathers want this, and they shouldnt snatch this from asad. Dilshad resigns herself and leaves from there. Rashid thanks zoya, and says that he’s here for both of them, and not just asad. He says that he has come to tell her that they cant be friends anymore, scaring her, but then saying that she’s going to be his daughter in law.
As celebration begins, zoya is brought down by her sister and other ladies. Zoya is told by ayan that she’s looking beautiful. Zoya asks where is Asad. Nazma too meets her half sisters, and dilshad and rashid too are awkwardly being with each other. As she gets up to go, Rashis stops her. Zoya is getting worried for asad. she entertains the guests, while deciding to call him up. But the phone keeps ringing and he doesnt pick up. She calls ayan, and tells that asad isnt picking the phone. Ayan teases her saying that she has bothered him so much, thats why he’s having his revenge. Zoya threatens him to call up, or else she would start bothering him again. Dilshad comes and asks ayan, and knows that asad isnt picking up the phone. Dilshad tensedly, asks him to continue trying.
Scene 2:
Location: In the car
As asad gets in the car, tanveer knocks on his window and says that today, the groom shouldnt go anywhere alone. tanveer says that she cant leave him alone today. He asks her what happened. In the car, tanveer tries to get all senti saying that from today onwards, she would be distanced from him. She hugs him, and says that he would be someone else’s. When asad says that freinds never distance, tanveer too says that she wont let that happen. She reminds him that he has to get a gift for zoya, and he thanks her for this suggestion, and goes to get the gift. They head towards home, as dilshad and zoya are waiting for him.
As asad gets inside the car, getting the gift for zoya, he doesnt find tanveer there. He sees tanveer being pushed into another car by some guys, and rem,embers her threat about her husband and taken away. He is shocked and follows her in his car. as he catches up, he finds the car stranded, without anyone. He enters the nearby stranded factory, and shouts out her name, and after several screams, tanveer too responds back, asking tanveer to save her, while Razia is tearing off her clothes, and asking her to shout all the more, and throwing away cartons to make a noise.
He sees tanveer is a dishevelled state, with her clothes torn and wound, as if she has just been assaulted, and is shocked beyond disbelief. He is apalled and hugs tanveer, who pretends to break into his arms, in sadness and horror. tanveer is happy that her plan is succeeding, while motioning razia top come ahead with a stick. Asad’s phone keeps ringing. As razia hits asad, and injects him with something, he goes dizzy, and the phone falls on the floor, and breaks down. He turns around to find who did this, and doesnt find anyone. As asad goes unconscious and falls on the ground, tanveer asks razia to help her. They together drag asad, and place him on a make shift bed. Tanveer smirks at her plan’s success. razia comments that asad is under medication, and whatever he hears right now from her, that would happen, and he would listen to him. she asks tanveer to take advantage of his unconsciousness, as he still has lots of time to regain consciousness.
Scene 3:
Location: Asad’s residence and the factory.
As dilshad asks zoya, if asad picked up the phone, she says that he didnt and that earlier it was ringing but now its unreachable. zoya is highly tensed, while dilshad and ayan, and the girls continue trying to call. Zoya is near to tears, waiting for him.
Scene 4:
Location: In the factory
Tanveer spirts water on asad, and refers him as Mr. Khan so that he gets the impression that she’s zoya. It has the desired effect. Tanveer says that she loves him. Asad is told by tanveer, that she’s zoya, and that they have been married, when asad asks about it. She gets close to him, in an intimate fashion, and places her head on his chest. She goes on to take off his shirt and unbuttoning it. tanveer goes ahead with her mission. The screen freezes on Tanveer’s content face, and zoya’s distraught face.
Precap: As zoya enters the factory, and finds asad, with his shirt off sleeping with Tanveer, she is distraught. tanveer wakes up smiling at zoya, while asad too wakes up, with a heavy head, and finds it unbeleiveable, that he’s with tanveer in bed, and zoya, is dressed as a bride in front of him. Zoya breaks down into tears, while tanveer pretends to be embarassed
 Dailymotion links

Qubool Hai 19th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya is very angry seeing this. Tanveer says that its bad luck for the bride’s veil to be on someone else before the marriage. Zoya asks her to shut up, and taking the dupatta, she asks tanveer to leave as she has to get ready for her marriage. Zoya asks her to shut up. Meanwhile, dilshad again coaxes asad to profess his love to zoya. Asad remembers their conversation on the roof. He says that he thinks that she knows. dilshad is upset that he still hasnt confessed. Dilshad corners him, and asks if he said I LOVE YOU, and asad says no. He says that he cant meet her, then how to convey. dilshad says that she doesnt know why the television was invented if not for this. Asad hesitatingly goes, while dilshad wishes him luck.

Tanveer says that she should get used to taking what she has already used, just like her husband, which she would use before giving to her. Tanveer says that she would celebrate the wedding night with him. Asad calls up zoya, and she talks in front of tanveer. asad says that he wants to tell her something, that he has wanted to for a long time. Zoya asks why is she hurrying as they have their whole life ahead of themselves, and that she would listen to what he has to say, after marriage when only they would be alone. She cancels the phone. She asks tanveer to get out, so that she can be ready. tanveer leaves.
Scene 2:

Location: Ayan’s residence

Shirin and badi bi are talking about how they werent allowed to go and meet razia, in the hospital. Badi bi says that its the ICU, and noone is aloowed when they are conducting tests, and its best that way only. shirin agrees and goes to her room. Badi bi smilingly thinks that razia is getting the treatment that she deserves, and it would surely get her brains right.

Rashid remembers Dilshad’s bet, and the way she disinvited them. He wonders if he deserves to go. Badi bi comes and tries to tell him, that since he’s the father, its his right to be there. He says that he has lost this right long back, and he doesnt want any sadness to engulf asad in this moment of happiness. Badi bi says that asad might also be thinking this, but many years down the line, both he and asad would regret that they werent with each other, on this day. She says that she has full faith that dilshad wont stop him fropm going. Rashid agrees to go, and badi bi is happy. shirin, hearing this, from a distance, is upset.
Scene 3:

Location: A ward in mental hospital

Razia is going mad amidst mad people, in the mental hospital. Razia is very frustrated, and she tries to ward them off, while innocently trying to claim that she isnt mad. The nurse says that everybody thinks this, and that she wont ever leave here. As the nurses go, razia keeps threatening and wailing severely, that she doesnt know who is she talking to, and that she should be taken out from here. Razia resolves in the name of humaira, that she would destroy badi bi. The mad people again begin to disturb her. she takes off her wig and gives it to a mad person, and is frustratedly thinking of a way out.

Scene 4:

Location: Asad’s residence

Whiel dilshad is going through the preparations, she instructs the people, to switch on the lights that went off. As aasd comes dressed, he forcibly sends off dilshad to relax and get dressed herself. As asad comes out, she sees zoya dressed in the dupatta, and fully dressed, and donning jeans underneath, her wedding lehenga. As zoya tries to duck so as not to be seen and asks him to go, asad asks which kind of a bride wears jeans under her bridal wear. She says that she doesnt wear what kind of bride wears what, but she would as she’s comfy and asks him to leave. He says that he’s going, and asks him to go also. as they cross, she inadvertently falls into his arms.(MITWA MOMENT) She says that its bad luck to see him. He says that then she should drop her habit of falling into his arms. Zoya says that these collisions have led them to the love, that has resulted in marriage. She reminds him that dilshad says its bad luck if they see each other. He holds his hand, and turning towards her, says that nothing would be wrong now, as nothing not even fate can come in between them. Zoya shyly leaves.

Asad comes in his room, and finds ayan in the window. ayan says in a poetic manner:

Chadta hai tawa jispar, chulha woh garam hai,

Aaj dulhan se jyada dulhe mein sharam hai..!!!

Asad asks why the haste in his engagement. Ayan changes the topic and praises the preparations. He asks asad if he’s serious about this marriage. Before he can answer, they find the girls too, coming in through the window, to congratulate him on the marriage. Asad tells humaira that she’s very courageous to be marrying ayan, who is so difficult to control. they tease him about zoya, and the way she mistreats him. Asad asks who told them. They look at ayan, and he starts giving clarifications to asad that he didnt. Ayan asks asad to hurry up, as zoya is in the habit of running away. Nikhat says that noone can run away from a groom like asad. As dilshad knocks on asad’s door, asad and the others are tensed. He opens up, and says that she should go and he would come. Dilshad is surprised to find ayan and the girls there. She curtly wishes them, and says that she would leave, and that he can come with his brothers and sisters. She smiles at them, relieving them too.

Scene 5:

Location: Mental Hospital

Razia is given electric shocks, and she is distraught, and asks the nurses to let go of her, for God’s sakes. As thre nurses leave, razia is shocked by tanveer’s presence beside the bed. razia calls her tanveer, which surprises her, as she’s used to being addressed as Billo Rani. Razia, in the mental hospital, asks tanveer to take her out from here somehow. Tanveer says that she would take her from there, and she has made plans for that too, but she too would have to do something for her in return. Razia asks what is it. Tanveer smirks while razia is puzzled. Tanveer asks her not to be scared, as its in her favour too, as she knows her well, that she wont do anything without expecting a favour. tanveer asks her to come along as she has to destroy someone’s happiness, and achieve her mission. The screen freezes on tanveer’s evil face.

Precap: While zoya says yes, when the maulwi asks if she consents to the marriage, she is surprised when asad hesitates to say yes.


Qubool Hai 18th June 2013 Written Update

Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia is taken off by nurses, while badi bi tells her that where she is going isnt the hospital, but a jail for her for life. She ecitedly sends her off, while Razia keeps wailing, as the van takes off.Humaira wonders where is ayan. When she goes in his room, she finds the engagement ring off, and wonders why ayan did that. As ayan comes out, and finds humaira, he is surprised. Humaira asks why he took the ring off. Ayan fumbles and taking the ring, he wears it, and says that its nothing like that. Humaira asks whats the matter. ayan makes excuses, trying to convince humaira. She says that today only the engagement happened, and Razia’s illness also came top surface, hence she is upset and maybe overreacted. He asks her not to be bothered especially for him, and if she felt bad, he wont ever do it again. humaira says that she brought him dinner, as he didnt eat properly. While ayan nods, humaira leaves. Ayan is a little tensed.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Asad comes to zoya, and assk how is she now, and why did she have to bear so much pain, that her hands got burnt so badly. Zoya says that this is her marriage mehendi and would be one time only, and she didnt want to miss it. (MITWA MOMENT) Nazma comes and asks if he couldnt wait till the evening, and goes on to tease her. She asks him to search for his name in zoya’s mehendi. Zoya asks her to let be, as he wont be able to. Asad takes it as a challenge, and begins searching amidst guests surrounding, waiting with impatience. They keep asking him to admit defeat. Zoya breaks into her impromptu poetry:
Ise gungunana nahi hain asaan, yeh aisi Ghazal hain:
Aap nahi dhoond payenge, yeh bahot difficult hai..!!!
Asad says that he doesnt think there is his name there. Zoya asks him to accept defeat. He does so, but nazma says that before she tells him, he has to give a gift to get zoya to tell him. Asad asks what does she want. She says that she wants to go to Paris, and gets excited asking for that. They tease her that she can go to Paris on her honeymoon, and ask her to want something else. Zoya says that she has got way more than what she wanted, and doesnt need anything else. (MITWA MOMENT) Tanveer is very irritated.
Nazma reprimands Zoya for letting asad off the hook so easily when she could have asked for anything. while nazma leaves, zoya sees asad coming towards her. Dilshad too comes and asks them to go and rest in their ooms, as its their marriage tomorrow, and they need to look their best. (MITWA MOMENT)She also tells them that they cant see each other till getting married tomoprrow, and they shouldnt cheat at all. Dilshad takes zoya away, while she looks back.(MITWA MOMENT)
Zoya is on the roof, and looking at her mehendi, thinks that tomorrow is her marriage, and she cant believe hopw time flew, as it feels she met asad just yesterday, and now its just a matter of some hours before she gets married to him. Asad, on the other hand, also comes, oblivious that zoya too is on the other side of the railing, hidden by the climber veins. He too thinks the same that its a matter of some time, before his marriage with zoya. He says that he couldnt bear her one moment, but now they would share a lifetime together. Zoya says that this marriage started off as a lie, and has now become her biggest truth. Asad thinks that everything is right, and he wishes he had told her that he loves her(MITWA MOMENT) Zoya wonders if he loves her, and if he does, then why didnt he say, and even if he didnt say, then why does she feel the need, that he doesnt have to say, as she knows that if he sees her once, she starts smiling, and wonders if she loves him. They both realise that its their better halves on the other side of the vein. They thankfully are relieved that they didnt see each other. Zoya asks if they can talk. Asad says that they can as there was no rule stating that. She says that eveery rule has a loophole. They both look up and zoya says that its such a beautiful night, with so many stars. She remembers the first time, when they had seen the shooting star, and she had fallen in his arms the first time. Asad says that he thinks that this wish of theirs is fulfilled. they both remember how angrily they had wanted each other to marry the person, similar to them. Asad says that she’s everything and more, she smiles and looks more beautiful. He asks her if she’s still the same. Zoya agrees and says that he’s just like that, and more than that, as he’s truthful, sincere, arrogant, and yet intense, and he may be silent, but his eyes tell everything.(MITWA MOMENT) Asad smiles. Zoya gets emotional and says that she doesnt know what hapopened between her mother and father, but that her father left her mother. she says that she was very young, but had decide, that when she gets married, she would keep it lifetime, and she would fulfill that promise made to herself.(MITWA MOMENT) Asad too gets emotional hearing this. Zoya keeps her hand in the railing seperating them, and asad too keeps his hand on hers, and she is extremely overwhelmed and relieved. They then cross hands, and place fingers into each others. They both confess their love for each other, but in their hearts too.
The next morning, her sister asks zoya not to eat pizza atleast on her marriage. They tease her too on looking fat, in her marriage. Nazma too is working, and eating pizza at the same time. As her sister gets upset handling the two, asad comes. They both try to drape her in the dupatta, and get her away from there, so that she doesnt see asad, and vice versa. After taking her pizza, As zoya comes into her room, she sees a lady with her marriage dupatta draped over her, and wonders who is it. She is shcoked when tanveer reveals her face from underneath. The screen freezes on zoya’s tensed face.
Precap: Tanveer says that its bad luck for the bride’s veil to be on someone else before the marriage. Zoya asks her to shut up, and taking the dupatta, she asks tanveer to leave as she has to get ready for her marriage. Razia, in the mental hospital, asks tanveer to take her out from here somehow. Tanveer says that she would take her from there, but she too would have to do something for her in return. Razia asks what is it. Tanveer smirks while razia is puzzled.


Qubool Hai 17th June 2013 Written Update

Merriment are on in full swing at Asad’s residence. Dilshad sees zoya, looking at the mehendi with teary eyes, while she’s trying hard to prevent her pain being seen, while sitting in front of the cooler, to be able to dry it off sooner. As she fumbles with the water glass, asad comes and helps her.(MITWA MOMENT) She smiles and nods. He feeds her water with his own hands, and also wipes her face with her dupatta. He asks if she wants to eat something. Zoya is surprised at this behaviour, and commenst that its very sweet of him. nazma comes and decides to take off the mehendi to see how much has it coloured.

Zoya thinks that if she dries in front of the people, then they would know that her hands are burnt, then they would ask questions. As nazma and others force her to do so, all the while teasing her, she is hesitant. Dilshad finally tells her that she should comply with what the guests demand, and shouldnt make them wait any longer. Tanveer is in introspection.
As dilshad gets her in the bathroom, and runs the tap, zoya thinks that with water, the hands would pain more. Dilshad leaves to get the towel. Zoya is in terrible pain as the water touches her hands. But she courageously, washes it off, bearing the pain somehow. Dilshad comes back with the towel. As dilshad goes on to find how much has the mehendi coloured on her hands, and removes the mehendi to find her hands burnt. She shockingly looks at zoya, who tries to hide her tears. All are shocked to see zoya’s burnt hands, while the mehendi wali clarifies that her mehendi is without a doubt of the finest quality. Asad too is very upset seeing this. Tanveer is very happy. He asks zoya how this happened. Dilshad says that she is confused that she herself mixed the mehendi, and others have put it also, then howcome only zoya’s hands are burnt. Zoya gives a casting glance at tanveer, with teary eyes. Asad and others are confused and look at tanveer too, who is scared. Dilshad asks why is she looking at tanveer, while asad too is perplexed. Zoya says that she has an allergy to mehendi. Dilshad asks why she didnt tell them before, as her hands all are burnt now. Asad asks why was she silent. Zoya says that she doesnt want any ritual of her marriage to be imcomplete. (MITWA MOMENT) Tanveer is disturbed, while the guests keep complimenting about how much she loves asade to go nthrough this pain. Dilshad smiles and asad and zoya are shy.(MITWA MOMENT) Asad leaves to get medicines. Dilshad says that now she believes that whatever the situation might be, but she would take full care of this house and asad, and that she’s proud of her. Tanveer is very irritated.
 Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia is congratulated by the guests, while they ask why she did so in such a haste, without even her husband. Razia says that they didnt want to delay it any longer, and he had given his consent, and soon they shall get married too. Badi bi is tensed. Razia comes upto her and taunts her asking how is she feeling falling on her face. Razia says that only big talks dont matter, as traps are to be laid out, in which she cant compete with Razia. She says that she had forewarned them that she would get ayan and humaira and engaged, and she succeeded in it too.
 Badi bi says that humaira is very dear to her, and its her that she has a problem, and she would get rid of it, before ten days. Razia says that now she cant do anything. Badi says that she had promised that she would get rid of her, and asks her to wait for just two minutes, before humaira herelf throws her out of the house. Razia is perplexed. She smiles at badi bi, and ask what woulod happen, and if her mind would go wrong or her daughter’s. Badi bi says that she pities her. Razia asks her to forget that she can defeat her in her own game. Razia is oblivious that an ambulance, with doctors and nurses have arrived at their house. badi bi asks her to turn around, and sees that they might be doctors but for them they are messengers of death. Razia is confused and surprised. razia asks who called them, and asks them to get lost. the doctors progress towards her with the wardboys and nurses. Razia asks them not to come ahead, but the doctor ask her to calm down. Shirin asks what is the matter. Razia turns around to look at badi bi. The doctor tells everyone, that when razia fell sick the last time, and they conducted tests on her, they found out that a vein in Razia’s brain has swollen causing her to react like this. Razia and others are shocked. She tries to tell them, that nothing has happened to her, while this is all badi bi’s trap. The nurses
The doctor says that the patients may be normal, but get unconscious when in company of people. The family confirms these symptoms. Doctor says that if they dont take her right now, then her condition would worsen, and she can get aggressive. Razia unable to say anything, is mumbling incoheerently. Humaira sks her to speak correctly. badi says taht she’s hinting towards the door, indicating that she wants to go to the hospital. rashid too asks the doctor not to delay anymore. Humaira herself asks razia to go with them, and hels the doctor to take her away. While razia keeps protesting and wailing, and tries to say to haseena, with her actions that this is all badi bi’s trap, and she should save her somehow. Haseena says that she understands what razia wants to say, and that she wants to hug one last time before going. Razia is devastated. The whole family is shocked but isnt able to do anything, as the nurses drag her away, with humaira’s help who herself forces razia out of the house, as she tries to cling on the main gate. razia tries to motion to humaiar too about badi bi behind this, but humaira wrenches her hand away, and jerks her out of the house. Razia remembers badi bi’s warning. Badi bi smiles victoriously. The screen freezes on Razia’s distraught face.