Qubool Hai 16th May 2013 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence
While the tailor is taking measurements for asad, he goes on a rant about his work. Asad asks if this is necessary. dilshad says that he needs very special treatment for her child. Dilshad continues to ask tanveer’s opinion, whic h upsets zoya, and asad notices that.(MITWA MOMENT) As the tailor continues to talk, dilshad asks him to do things seriously. She asks for someone’s help for this. As zoya steps forward, dilshad is taking measurements for asad’s suit, she asks tanveer to help her with it. Tanveer is happy, at zoya’s discomfort with her proximity with tanveer.

 Asad asks how many more rituals are to be done, and dilshad says that she would do everything When dilshad asks zoya which colour would suit asad, she asks dilshad to ask tanveer only, as she knows best what asad likes or doesnt, as they are childhood friends. Dilshad and asad are at a a loss to say anything in reply to that, sensing zoya upset. Zoya leaves in haste.
Asad comes out of the room, to find the girls busy and giggling. He asks what happened. Zoya tells asad, that dilshad wanted a choreographer, to choreograph a dance sequence, for the rituals. Asad as it is is irritated at this, but he is distraught when he finds a gay choreographer, who zoya herself did net research and called for this, along with her impromtu poetry….
Bin kajal aankhen saje, kaan saje bin jhumke…..
Ginte ginte thak jaaye duniya, wo na thake lagate thumke….
Hearing a knock on the door, zoya gives a grand introduction on his arrival. Mr. Vasudev shows him and his family the dance moves, much to asad’s disbelief and that his family is enjoying all this. Asad asks what NAMUNA she has got, and vasudev hears all this
MITWA MOMENT) But then she composes herself. Vasudev tries to flirt with him, irritating him all the more, by showing the similarities between his and asad’s name, both meaning lion..
Milte hai do log aise hi by chance
Milte hai do
Chidiya ho gayi phurr, come on lets dance….
But asad is reluctant to dance. But dilshad coaxes him for this. Dilshad goes for making the guest list, while he and zoya are stuck with vasudev. Asad asks him to keep away from him, and also that he doesnt know how to dance, but zoya says that he’s lying. Vasudev says flirtily that he can also provide dance classes for him alone, if he is the shy one. On nazma’s insistence
Zoya says that without tanveer
Asad asks if she is jealous, but she refuses to accept it. Vasudev asks him to be his partner, in the learning process. But asad says that he would choose himself and not prefer him. As zoya and tanveer wait for asad’s choice
Zoya asks tanveer to handle the music, while she handles the dance. She goes to asad and they both awkwardly begin to dance. Asad again asks if she’ jealous, and she refsues to accept.
The dancing con tinues, with them getting intimate, while vasudev keeps giving them tips, all the while trying to get close to asad, irritating him. Zoya handles the situation that she would make him also practise along with her. Vasudev waves them goodbye and goes off. Zoya asks asad if he wants to practise as told by vasudev. Asad asks whats the point, as its all a fake. Zoya too resignedly says that she too was feeling the same. they curtly wish each other goodnight, and go to their rooms.
Zoya, in her room, puts on the earphones, and begins to dance. asad watches her romantically from a distance, smiling.(MITWA MOMENT) Tanveer seeing this is disgusted.
Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s residence
At the dining table, the girls tease humaira, about her having made food, especially for ayan. Both ayan and humaira are awkward. shirin compliments on her food. Sensing ayan’s discomfort, humaira
Seeing the thumb print, badi bi asks about it. Ayan tells him about razia’s signature. She is tensed. Humaira
Seeing the same print on humaira’s finger, she is sure that razia is upto something and she would have to find it soon.
Shirin tells ayan that humaira’s waiting for ayan’s approval about the food that she has made. Ayan goes conscious, and just manages to say that its good. Humaira is happy.
Rest of the update is coming

One thought on “Qubool Hai 16th May 2013 Written Update

  1. Did Zoyas Appi show up?

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