Qbool Hai 15th April 2013 Written Update

DB starts questioning

zo says arranged

asad says love

they conclude love & arranged

DB asks who proposed 1st

zo says i went jogging saw a cute puppy

zo doesnt allow asad to speak
zo says there was a note

asad had decorated a whole house with roses

zo says asad played music, roses fell on me

asad says i proposed she accepted

DB asks what was the scene when u met 1st time

zo says he came riding on a horse

asad says i saw her in mosque scared

zo remembers running away from wedding

asad says she looked beautiful

zo stares at him
asad describes her

mitwaaa in bg

DB gets emotional

tanu irritated

DB says he is happy and about to leave
DB smiles says sahgai mubarak hooo

shireen-rashid argue about engagement date
shireen says she is worried about BM…rashid tries to convince, shir says BM is on ayan and we have to save him.

Rasia joins and says Ayan is in love with humeira so y not have the sagai soon

rashid trying to convince shir when BB comes.

shir adamant, BB says this wedding cant happen

shir tells BB not to interfere as ayan is her son and she has full rights on him

BB says ayan not happy for this relation & he is trapped by rasia

shir says she knows everything…she knows BB doesnt like her and prefers dilshad to be with rashid & likes asad more than ayan

rashid & BB are shocked

shir says dilshad is doing BM and BB is supporting her
poor rashid confused asks her to stop this nonsense

shir in tears pleads rashid to agree for sagai

BB asks rashid to stop convincing her as shir is not in right state of mind

BB tells rasia that its good move by her to frame dilshad

rasia says I will do anything to kick you out of this house soon

BB tells Rasia that she will slap her at the right time

ayan says he is ready for sagai..shir happy

rashid BB not convinced

ayan adamant

rasia says she will arrange a grandest sagai

ayan says he has a condition

its a big day for him and he wont get engaged without asad’s presence

all are shocked.

siddiqui furious says he wont allow asad to set foot

rasia says we have severed relation from that family

ayan says his relation with asad is intact

rashid happy
ayan says no asad=no sagai

DB says I will extend ur visa and asks for their sagai pics

asya shocked

zo says we will send it to you calls asad as JI

DB asks when is the sagai
zo says tomorrow
asad says day after tomm
DB asks to be discreet
Zo says in a day or 2
DB says he needs a firm day

dilshad says tomorrow

DB leaves

asad looks at zo and she leaves his hand

asad says so tomorrow sagai???

Shir says we will invite asad, ayan-hum sagai tomorrow

Dilshad asks what to do now

asad says I did this so that u can stay back

zo says so we shud get engaged
asad asks do u want to
zo says yes i wanna get engaged to u
asad stares zo says no but to get visa i have to
dilshad says lets do sagai
asad says no i cant make a joke of sagai
zo is sad

dilshad assures zo that she will convince asad so that no one thinks its fake sagai

tanu decides to expose asya

Tanu calls DB
Tanu says asya not getting engaged news is false

DB says he is sharp and knows this and he pretended to believe them but now will catch them red handed

tanu happy

DB tells dolly not to extend zoya’s visa

humeira tense

nik-nuz say your sagai is tomorrow

all 3 start dancing happily

ayan calls asad says its sagai tomorrow
asad thinks ayan knows about his sagai and says no
ayan says tomm my sagai with hum
asad asks y so soon…ayan says long story but you have to come
asad says he cant
rashid snatches the call and says pls talk to me.. ur anger is with me not with ayan & tomm he is starting new life and needs your presence & wish
asad says so u wanna want me to come to ur house

asad says he will never set foot in that house which took away my mother’s happiness… not for anyone’s sake

rashid pleads but asad cuts the call

asad throws phone in anger & zo hears it & thinks to send him somehow to ayan’s sagai
precap – Dilshad showing the ring she had got for her DIL and gives to asad Ayan waiting fro asad when Zoya comes in burkha and rasia sees her

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