Qubool Hai 14th March 2013 Written Update

Episode starts with Razia telling Ayan that she will bring file for him. She has to do that much for her future son-in-law. Ayan says, there is no need for that. Razia gets shocked and asks what do you mean? Ayan says, I don’t need these papers anymore.. because my answer is NO. I can’t marry your daughter. Dilshad is desperately waiting for maali. Her daugher comes and says, there’s still time in maali to come. Dilshad says, I know but I feel maali must know about gudiya. Her daughter asks her to relax saying he will be here soon.   
 Zoya is cooking something for Asad. Tanveer says, I knew you would listen to me. Zoya says, I want to make something different. Zoya decides to make a Thai dish. She now says a shayri:

Jab problem ho gayi hai solve.. to phir kyun hai maathe pe sikhand
aao sab milke banate hai Zoy ki daal .. chicken.
They both laugh. Tanveer says that she has to call some client urgently and she won’t be able to help Zoya out. She asks, you will do alone, right? Zoya says, of course.. you helped me so much already.. and there is nothing in this world that Zoya cannot do. And I am expert at cooking. She says, I have recipe with me as well.. and I will make delicious dish. Tanveer leaves. Zoya starts cooking.
Razia tells Ayan, think one more time.. this decision won’t be good for your dad’s health.. Ayan says, life and death are in God’s hand.. who you are to decide it? You’re just a selfish woman. You kept my dad under your control his entire life.. but I won’t make same mistake as my dad. He leaves. Razia speaks in her mind, I will see how you don’t get married.
Zoya comes to Dilshad. Dilshan thinks it’s Najma and asks if maali came. Zoya asks if everything okay. Zoya asks Dilshad to taste the dish that she made for Asad. Dilshad says, you made so it must be good. Zoya requests her to taste as Asad is JaaPanah.
Here Tanveer brings same dish for Asad. She says, Zoya is so sweet.. she made this for you. Asad says, whenever she does something for me.. always messes up. Tanveer says, why you’re thinking like that? Nothing like that will happen.
Dilshad tastes and asks Zoya, did you add peanut in this? Zoya says, yes.. Dilshad asks, you didn’t give to Asad right? Zoya says, why.. isn’t it good? Dilshad says, it’s good.. but Asad has an allergy from peanut.. and it can be risky to his life too.. they run outside.
Dilshad tells Tanveer not to give that to Asad. Tanveer asks what happened? She says, Asad already ate it. Asad starts coughing and falls on the ground. Everyone gets worried. Asad’s condition is getting worse. Zoya asks, is there no medicine in home? Dilshad says, no. Tanveer says, we will have to take him to the hospital. Zoya says, we will have to do something now. She goes to his room to search for the medicine. Outside, Tanveer and Dilshad are taking him to the hospital. Zoya comes out and asks them to wait. Zoya says, I researched on the internet and he will be fine with this injection. Tanveer asks, are you sure? Dilshad says, we don’t have any other option.. we should to do Zoya is saying. Zoya gives an injection to Asad. Asad is unconscious as of now.         
 Dilshad says there is no effect. Zoya says, I researched and found that people who have an allergy from peanut always keep this injection with them. And Mr. Khan is not irresponsible that he wouldn’t keep this injection with him. Asad opens his eyes and his breathing is getting normal. Zoya has a relief and is happy. Billo is hiding and looking at them. Asad asks Dilshad, when you know I have an allergy with peanuts, then why did you give me food with peanuts. He then remembers Tanveer telling him that Zoya made that dish. He looks at Zoya and asks, you made that dish right? Zoya says, I didn’t do this purposely.. I didn’t even know that you have an allergy. Asad says, why did you choose this dish? Tanveer takes blame on herself and says, I told Zoya to make that dish.. and in fact, Zoya saved your life.. if she didn’t bring the injection, then God knows what would have happened. Dilshad says to him, we were taking you the hospital, but it would take a lot of time. I think we should thank Zoya. Asad apologizes to Zoya for all that he said to her and thanks for saving his life. Zoya runs away from there crying. Dilshad asks Najma to take Asad inside. Tanveer and Najma take him to his room. Dilshad comes outside.         
She wonders why maali still didn’t come. If he found Gudiya, then he must have kept safe. But what if he threw it out? She then sees some stuff is messed up there and goes there.         
We then see gudiya’s hand, but Dilshad doesn’t notice it. Billo comes outside and says, there is a call for you. Dilshad tells her, if maali comes, then don’t let him go. I have urgent work. Billo says, he won’t come.. he went to his village.. don’t know when he will come again. Dilshad goes inside. Billo looks at the stuff that Dilshad was looking at, then goes there.
It is Shirin who called Dilshad. She tells Dilshad that Rashid is in very bad situation.. they are punishing him bad in the jail.. and if Rashid doesn’t win the case, then they won’t let him come out alive. She requests her to stop Asad. Dilshad says, years ago, I couldn’t stop his father.. how will I be able to stop him? Shirin says, there’s another way.. if you want, then you can help Rashid. End of conversation.         
Tanveer comes to Dilshad. Tanveer finds her upset. she asks what happened. Dilshad says, I was thinking to go out. She asks about Najma and Zoya. Tanveer says, they went out.. maybe because there is court hearing. I would have gone with them too, but my leg. Dilshad says, no problem.. I will be right back. Tanveer says, should I come with you? Dilshad says, no.. it’s okay.. I will go alone. She leaves.
Asad comes now and asks Tanveer, where is ammi? Tanveer says, don’t know.. she just went outside and seemed upset. Asad looks at his watch and says to himself, 2 hours to go in the hearing, where would mum have gone?
Some lady telling Shirin hope we get money before the hearing.
Asad asks Tanveer if Dilshad said anything like when she will be back. Tanveer asks, why you seem tensed? She will come back. Asad says, actually her health is not good.. and thank God you’re here so I don’t have to worry much. Asad then gets a call from bank manager who tells him that we inform both account holders, when there is a joint account and big amount is withdrawn. Asad says, big amount? We didn’t withdraw any big amount. Manager says, maybe it’s not big amount for you..but for us, it’s a huge amount. Your mother just withdrew 1 crore from here. Asad wonders why Dilshad needed so much money.
Episode ends.      
 Precap: Billo is holding the gudiya. Tanveer comes and takes it away and stares at Billo. Tanveer checks it and Gudiya speaks something.
On the other hand, Dilshad with Zoya, Najma are going somewhere on a scooty.

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Qubool Hai 13th March 2013 Written Update

Asad refuses the coffee thinking its Zo but it turns out to be Tanu and he takes his words back and takes the coffee and Tanu defends Zo saying that he used to forgive the mistakes she made when they were kids and that humans do make mistakes the whole day and its no big deal and that he shudnt have yelled at Zo like this infront of a stranger ie her and Asad says she aint no stranger but Tanu says how she is for Zo and that he should have careful and how Zo has been feeling bad all day and if not her she apologizes on her behalf and that Zo is really nice and a bechari and Asad is like no way she aint no bechari and that she seems nice cause Tanu herself is nice and that Zo is total misfit here and is totally different and Zo hears this in the background and is in tears and Tanu spots this 

 -Humeira with Mr Siddiqui and hands him the papers on the pretext of them being some office papers which need his signature immediately and despite Ayaan who is watching over goofing up she does manage to get the papers signed but her happiness is short lived as Razia takes away those papers from her

-Zo in her room saying to herself how she knew from day one how Asad is and that he is a total male chauvinist yet why is all this bothering her so much and she conts to question herself when Tanu arrives and asks her abt having some food and she is like have heard so much that I am full and that wont have a bite and Tanu puts the pizza in front of her and tells her how Najma said that its her fav food and soon both begin to chat and Zo starts to eat the pizza and says how she knows she goofed up and all but why did he have to yell so much and Tanu is like u wanted him to be a little more understanding and Zo agrees and Tanu says how Asad is like that but he gets angry on the ones he likes and Zo is really happy and Tanu talks abt Asad once got angry with Dilshad but she got him to forgive her by making him his fav dish and how sometimes good food is the key to all problems and points to the finished pizza
-Zo-Tanu cont to chatter abt how she calls him janab akdoo while Zo calls him Jahapanah 6-packs
-Ayaan waiting of Humeira but Razia arrives instead and says to Ayaan that he needs to marry Humeira if he wants the signed papers and says she will wait for his decision
-Najma- Dilshaad discussing abt the doll and that where could it be and that they need it before tomorrows hearing and Najma asks Dilshad to relax and that she will speak to the gardener and find out ,the maid is snooping around eavesdropping on their convo and Tanu too arrives and Najma asks her to get Dilshad some water and to be with her
-Billo Rani- Razia convo abt the doll and how they need to get it and to not let Dilshad get to the gardener having the clues
-Ayaan recollecting Shireen’s words and Razia’s deal and abt how Humeira had refused to get married to him and wud it be fair to ruin Humeira’s life for Abbu’s sake and he is totally feeling helpless
-Next day ,Ayaan comes to meet Razia and she says she will get the papers for her wud be Son in law

Qubool Hai 12th March 2013 Written Update

Asad comes to meet ayan at lakeside. Asad syas he knew ayan was angry with him and told all that sautela stuff in anger and he understands him…but says our relation is the sacred of all and we will always remain brothers. Ayan asks if he will take back his case,asad says no, ayan says I always thought my struggles is your struggle but today you have taught me that I and you are not US and from today I will never seek any help from you & I will definitely get my father released from the jail. Asad too says I will see how you will get rashid released. Both challenge one another and head in opposite directionsSomeone turns on the gas(Face not shown) Asad & Dilshad return home Dilshad wants to make khada and drink.. Billo says she has urgent work and want to go home.

Shireen asks Mamu for money and he asks if Rs.50,000 is enough, Shireen asks Rs. 1 crore so that using the money she can get Rashid released by using this money as bribe. mamu says he has some reputation and cant loose it for giving bribery. Shireen says Ayan will take care, mamu says Ayan is childish cant trust him. Shireen says she cant see Rashid suffering as he is being beaten by police. Mamu says Rashid is geting puished for his sins & he cant help her now to get a culprit released. Shireen says Rashid took his business to such a high position and today when he is in difficulty no one is helping him.

Shireen pleads and begs Mamu but Ayan stops her and says he cant see her begging and only in our bad time we will find who is ours and who is not. Today I lost my brother and you too lost yours and takes her away with him.

Zoya and Najma return home while the Gudia is close to their feet with the trash but they dont see it. Rasia tells hubby that we should get Rashid out as it may be useful. Mamu says if we get involved in this case we may get into trouble and its better if Rashid stays in Jail as he will never work with us nor get ayan married to humeira.

Tanveer discussing her work and new contract with Asad when Zoya comes with muffins for Tanveer & says Asad’s nickname is Jahapanah which she has kept it. Zoya comes to give her but she slips and Tanveer falls. Asad starts scolding Zoya and calls her irresponsible and helps Tanveer. Asad massages her leg when Dilshad asks if she is fine and goes to bring haldi for her.

Shireen gives some papers to Ayan to sell some property to get money to keep Firoz quite. Shireen says they will do whatever they can to get Rashid out of jail & says once Rashid returns they will leave this house and go away. Ayan looks at the paper and says we cant sell this property without mamu’s signature.

Asad caring for Tanveer massaging her leg, Zo not happy.Tanveer says she has to go out Asad refuses and says he will call doc. Dilshad about to light the stove, Tanu says Jammy I am getting weird smell.Dilshad lighting the match stick, Tanveer says gas smell gas is leaking they rush to the kitchen and stop Dilshad and open all the windows. Dilshad says she has cold so could notsmell the gas and thanks Tanveer. Asad says the gas is on. Tanveer says maybe while changing cylinder it happened and all look at Zoya and asad furious.

Shireen praying to god to save Rashid and Badi bee and asks god why they are suffering so much for no mistake.She pleads for some miracle while Ayan watches from afar in tears.Humeira comes to console Ayan and says she will get the signatures of her father somehow and takes the documents from him. Ayan asks if she knows what she is doing. Humeira says yes.

Asad Najma & Dilshad at dinner table when Tanveer comes with Zoya and says she didnot had food since afternoon, Dilshad asjs her to come and join them. Asad not happy. Tanveer observes them and asks Zoya not to feel bad she didnt do it purposely. Asad yells at Zoya for her stupidity and not allowing tanu to change the cylinder and Zo she is crying.Asad says becoz of you we all would have died… zoya runs off her to her room crying.

Precap – Rasia gives signed papers to Ayan and tells him in return he should marry Humeira which leaves him in shock.

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Qubool Hai 11th March 2013 Written Update

Ayan calls asad sautela
Asad in tears turns to him ayan closes window and leaves
Shireen decide to plead dilshad

Ayan says asad will not listen to yer

He remembers zo telling about gudiya and decide to find it

Rasia hears this worried

Asad sad tanu comes with guitar asks him to play and come out of his dard

asad plays zindagi ki

Tanu asks him to smile and he sings

Dilshad comes

Tanu Calls truce between them asad hugs dilshad and cries

Zo watches teary eyed the 4 hug

Zo turn to leave tanu holds her makes her join them

Asya eyelock

Rasia calls billo tells herto find gudiya soon

Tanu next day tells dilshad that she liked her kheer

Asad Comes for breakfast

Zo tanu set the table

Tanu says she remembers his choice

Zo says thisreminds her of rahul dravid

Tanu says asad loves jam

Tanu asks where is jam

Najma says he stopped for health reasons

Asad serves bread to tanu

Zo waits if he will serve herbut no

tanu ougs asadgives water

Zo too coughs asad not bothered najma gives water

Asad leaves with tanu zo hurt

Zo spying following asad tanu

They keep discussing childhood and shayari

Zo says she loves shayari and starts a silly one

Asad irritated says her shayaris are silly and they wre speaking of serious shayari whichbshe can’t understand

Billo says gas got over

Tanu offers help zo says she will do

Dilshad asks how she knows when she stayed in usa

Zo says she will use ipad

Tanu says she speaks so sweet

Asad says she speaks over

Zo spills in kitchen

Tanu offers help

zo says she is cleanliness freak

Tanu says she too as she learnt from jammy

Zo says she dhanged fylinder and leaving with najma

So says dilshad loves me a lot and najma yer best buddy

Asad comes but doesnt react

Dilshad going to doc

Tanu tells jamjy to go with dilshad

Asad asks if she will stay alone

Tanu says she has work

Asad offers to drop

Tanu gets call says meeting cahcelled

Billo searching for gudiya

Billo comes to tanu room who gets doubt on ye4

Rasia asks Billo to find doll somehow

Precap zo asad tanu dilshad in kitchen

Gas is leaking

Tanu says some weird smell

Dilshad lighhts match stick

Update with more details and pictures in an hour or 2

Qubool Hai 8th March 2013 Written Update

Asad is hugging Tanvi [new entry] and asks if she is ok? Zoya watches shocked! Asad says that he heard her scream on the phone and was scared n dabs her head..! Zoya is in tears watching them..and leaves the place. wiping her tears! Asad takes the girl to his car! BG-Mitwaa..! Asad gives her water and while walking notices Zoyas ipad! He screams.. Zoya.. and starts to run in search of her..! He runs and suddenly collides with Zoya n finds her unconscious and holds her n screams! In teh car on the way back..AsYa steal glances at each other..! The girl keeps smiling at Asad n Zoya cries a bit more..!

Ayan is taking off his tshirt n Humera walks in screaming Nuzhat. n turns away..! She notices fingermarks on his neck n asks what is the matter? Ayan says..fell from the bike. .hiding.. Asad slapping him …on the road! Humera gives him some ice.. but he refuses..! She insists n he relents..! Duo steal glances at each other..! Ayan says that he thought Humera is upset with him! Humera says..she was.. but she is a human.. she cant look away seeing him hurt! She gives him the ice pack n walks off..!
Shireen comes in Ayans room and breaksdown! Ayan asks the matter? Shireen asks Ayan to get Rasheed home soon .or the cops will kill him ! She says that Rasheed is being tortured in prison.. so save him! She breaksdown in his arms..! Ayan assures he will! Dilshad tells the girl [Asads childhood frien] that she has to stay at her place.. why being so formal? She says that when she had shifted out in childhood. she had cried. .why repeat past! Dilshad and Najma ask her to stay on! Najma asks her what she is doing? Tanvir says that she is designer of salwar suits..! Dilshad tells Zoya that Tanvir is close to Asad and they were inseparable ! Asad comes to the dining table and sits and Zoya walks off..! Asad tells Dilshad that Doc had come and asked if she is taking meds regularly? Dilshad tells him that there is no need to tell her.. she will talk to the Doc directly! Dilshad gets up and leaves the table..!
Asad comes in Zoyas room ..finding her terating herself! Asad suggsets to call the doc..She says no! She hurts herself n Asad says..if she does not treat herself.. it will get septic! Zoya cries and says that she does not need anyone..n she can take care of herself..! Asad telsl Zoya that he dinno she was on that bus too n he saw the ipad n was scared for her..! Zoya turns to look at him..! AsYa eyelock..! BG= Mitwaa..!
Tanvir comes and calls out to Asad and says .hope din disturb.. ! Asad says not at all! She compliments Asad about the house..! She recollects childhood moments..! Tanvi says sorry to Zoya for not knowing her..! Asad introes.. them and says.. Tanvi is his childhood friend n Zoya is Dilshads distant relatives daughter ..staying for a while..! The girls greet each other.. n shake hands..! Tanvi says hope Jammy doesnt trouble her.. n Asad glares..! Tanvi says..she used to call Asad .. JAmmy since childhood! She tells Asad that she needs to talk to him…! Asad says.. coming..n leaves with her..! Zoya looks on..!
Part 2
Tanvi says.. she could figure seeing the tension between him n Dilshad that something is wrong! She says that she din feel right to discuss this matter in front of Zoya..! Asad says.. Zoya knows it all and has helped them a lot! Tanvi asks why then was he so tense in her presence? IF something is unsaid.. undone? Asad says he is upset on Zoya .. about RAsheed.. n her trying to help Dilshad.. by blocking him! Tanvi says that what if Rasheed is innocent? And why is he not searching for the toy? Asad says that the toy is lost..and nothing can be done! Tanvi says that she prays that for Dilshads sake.. Asad gets the doll back soon enouf! Tanvi holds Asads hands in hers n reassures him! Asad nods..! The servant in the house watches shocked..! Zoya comes and asks her what she is doing? She says..cleaning .. but seems Asad is busy..! Zoya watches Asad-Tanvi holding hands and breaksdown again..!
Feroz laufs on Ayan and says that his anger is something that rises n sinks on his head.. ! He says..that Ayan cant do anything on his own..! Why not call his bro Asad..but he cant as Asad has gotten Rasheed locked up! Feroz suggests to apply third degree on Rasheed! Ayan warns him ..not to do so or else! Feroz says that no rich guy stays in jail for 6 days..but his dad is.. ! Feroz tells Ayan that he has 2 days.. do what he can.. coz once Asad gives his statement..nothing can get Rasheed out..!
Part 3
Asad comes in his room later at night and finds Ayan there.. in tears..! Ayan tells Asad that Rasheed has to be in jail for 2 more days..! Asad says thats coz the stupid girl din let him reach court or he did been sentenced today itself..! He tells Ayan that its tough ..but he should be strong for his mom n sis n prepare himself for the imminent! He tells Ayan that Rasheed will definitely get punished! Ayan tells Asad that Rasheed is being tortured ..by Firoz.. ! He tells Asad that Shireen has seen him too and that it seems.. Rasheed wont survive the torture..! He asks Asad if he wont do anything? Asad says that he came here so that he can tell Asad not to give his statement? Asad says..he is doing what is right..! Ayan says.. he is just taking revenge from Rasheed..! He tells Asad that he doesnt wanna talk to him anymore..! He tells Asad that he is no longer the bro he knew.. ! If Rasheed did wrong.. what is happening to him is also wrong..! He says that since childhood. he never let anyone come between him n Asad… he was always Bhai jaan for him… but today Asad proved that they are step brothers.. SAUTELE [Step brothers]!
Precap — Tanvi puts Dilshads hand in Asads n BG- Zindagi ki yehi reet hai..! Dilshad turns to leave but Asad stops her..! Najma Tanvi smile n they all hug! Asad is emotional! Zoya watches from afar .. turns and cries..!


Qubool Hai 7th March 2013 Written Update

Episode starts with Badi bi telling Razia, I had doubt from before.. and today I am confirmed now. She asks her, are you shocked because seeing me walking or knowing that someone can think like you too? I have learned all this from you only.. I had no other option so I answered to you in your style. Now for God sake, don’t tell anyone else that I can walk.. otherwise no one will believe you and you will feel insulted. You have tried this before and failed, right? She sits on the wheelchair and leaves.Asad’s sister sees Billo searching for something in a drawer. She doubts on her and asks what she was doing. Billo says she was just cleaning. Asad’s sister tells him to go and give food to her mother.On the other hand, Razia pushes Badi bi’s wheelchair and Badi bi falls down from the stairs.

Asad and Zoya wake up. They both cant remember what happened last night. Asad sees the clock and its 9:30 already.. he says. I have to reach the court by 10:30. Door is still locked. Zoya says, I don’t understand how door got locked. Asad says, Its very important for me to reach court.. I can’t leave that man. Why don’t you understand? Zoya says, I understand..but why don’t you understand and accept that you can’t reach there on time now. Asad says, have you gone crazy? and all this happened because of you. Zoya says, oh really? Can you tell me what did I do? He says, you brought me far away from the city.. Zoya says, I didn’t ask you.. you volunteered yourself. read full updates with daily only at desitvbox.com Asad says, but you had to come here today only? and on top of that delay in everything.. tea.. and what not. Zoya says, now you will also say that I called that ghost.. I made rain to come.. and I removed petrol from your car with a pipe. Zoya realizes what she just said and she is caught now. Asad asys, I knew it.. I made sure tank is full and then suddenly it got empty. You did all this so I don’t reach to the court. You must have locked this door as well. Asad tries to break the door. Zoya says, this door won’t break. Asad doesn’t listen to her and says, if you think you will stop me from going to the court, then you’re wrong. He kicks and breaks the door. Zoya is surprised. Asad leaves.

Ayan and his family are wondering how did Badi bi fall. They ask doctor if she will be fine. Doctor says, I can’t say anything until she gets conscious. Doctor leaves. They then think Badi bi had tension of Rashid’s hearing. Razia speaks in her mind, she fell down from that high and still got saved. What if she tells truth to everyone after getting conscious.

Zoya running behind Asad and asking him to listen to her. She says, I agree that I tried stopping you from going to the court.. but there’s a reason behind it. Asad says, not a single word more. Don’t interfere in my family matters. I don’t want to look at you anymore. He leaves. Zoya cannot believe he left her here. She says to herself, if he think I can’t go alone.. then he doesn’t know me properly yet.

Zoya calls Asad’s mother and says, I am so sorry.. I tried my best to stop Mr. Khan, but I couldn’t. He has left for the court.. and he may reach there on time. Asad’s mother tells her, no problem.. everything is in God hand’s. Whatever has to happen.. will happen. At least you tried. She asks Zoya, where are you right now? Zoya says, I am waitin for the bus.. don’t worry about me.. I will reach there. She disconnects. Billo was listening their conversation. After Asad’s mother exists the room, she checks her phone.

Asad tells the lawyer that he is on his way to the court and asks him to keep him informed what happens in the court.

On the other Zoya is in the bus. She’s sleeping and last night’s scenes coming in front of her eyes. She wonders if Mr. Khan really said that. Bus has an accident.

Everyone is very badly injured, but Zoya seems to be alright compare to others. She is in a disbelief and has tears in her eyes.

Rashid’s lawyer tells him that today’s hearing got postponed. Rashid says whats the point.. I still didn’t get bail. Lawyer says, Asad’s lawyer was able to convince judge to give new date. Hearing will take place after 3 days now.. and we can try to make our case strong… but for now.. you will have to stay in the custody. Lawyer leaves and Rashid then sees Asad’s mother there. Before she approaches to him, Shirin comes in the way. She hugs him. Rashid keeps looking at Asad’s mother. Asad’s mother gets sad and she leaves.

Asad rushes to the accident scene. Zoya thinks that he came there for her. Asad runs toward her. Zoya forwards her hands seeing him running, but Asad passes by and goes to someone else. Zoya is shocked.

She turns around and sees him hugging some other girl.

Sad song “Do Pal” from movie Veer Zaara plays in the background while Zoya stares at Asad hugging some other girl and remembers their past moments.

Episode ends.

Qubool Hai 6th March 2013 Written Update

Asad, dressed handsomely in a black shirt, comes out to find zoya dressed in a pink saree, laughing uncontrollably. Asad too joins in with her. He says that its the fault of her bad company.(MITWA MOMENT) They are blabbering all the while for no reason, but still dont leave arguing with each other. Asad says that zoya isnt mature, zoya says that she is mature and cares for people and tells him that he should too start caring for the people, and not term it as interfering into people’s life. They again into their constant bickerings, without any relation to any relevant topic whatsoever. Zoya says that he even doesnt care for the feeling of her own mother, leave alone strangers.

Asad says that how would she know since she had none. Instead of getting angry and hurt, she is laughing incoherently. she says that she can kill anyone with the dimple that happens when she smiles. Asad is mesmerised by her smiling.(MITWA MOMENT) Asad and zoya romantically start enjoying the rain, under a canopy and dancing the night away, under the effect of the Bhaang. They get intimate during this, singing while enjoying each other’s romantic vibes.
Asad and zoya get back into their room. Asad gets a call, and laughs off with the person, who called him to tell that the tyre has been fixed. But ayan locks the door from outside, so that asad isnt able to get out. Inside, asad finds that the door is locked. zoya and asad again joke at that. Zoya blurts this out, laughing, that ayan and she had planned this all along, so that he cant get to the court. Asad, is stunned for a second, but then breaks out into laughing.
Location: Ayan’s residence
Badi bi is sleeping, when shirin tries to wake her up and tells that the doctor is coming to check her up. Badi bi pretends to sleep, but talks in her sleep, saying that razia has the key that would prove rashid’s innocence.
shirin says that she doesnt know what is the medicines that the doctor is giving, when he comes, as its causing badi bi to talk in her sleep. the doctor demands to know what she said, to be able to understand her mental dilemma.
Shirin says that badi bi muttered, that during doll factory incident, razia clicked pics. razia is shocked, and shirin too agrees as to why would someone do that also adding that badi bi also told that razia had hung her upside down for killing her. When the doctor tries to show interest in this, razia reprimands him by saying that he too now thinks that razia tried to kill her. She loses her cool at the fear of being exposed. She tries to say that badi bi is now bad mouthing her evn in her sleep. while everyone is baffled, mamujaan has a stoical look on his face. Humaira takes her out of the room. After everyone leaves, badi bi wakes up.
Razia calls up Billo Rani, saying that they need to act fast, as things are getting out of hand, and the doll being retrieved is her last option. she is told by the servant that maujaan wishes to see her. she goes into his room, and faces a chair turned against her, says that she knows why he called him, and that he is angry at her, but she says that she didnt have any option, as rashid is in jail, and she is forever scared that investigations would surface their role in it too, and if someone gets the evidence, then everything would finish. She says that badi might be dying, but she always feels that she would be a cause to immense trouble. she proceeds to the chair, saying that noone would ever know her involvement in the conspiracy, and she already is in the process of getting the evidence into her safe custody.
She says that everyone would need to know that the person who dies in that fire, didnt die because of the fire, but had been killed earlier only. as she comes inf ront of the chair, she finds badi bi sitting there, instead of mamujaan. while badi bi has a victorious smile, a speechless razia is unable to look in the eye, at badi bi.
Location: In the shelter
zoya is again blabbering and says that she told him and he told her everything today, but doesnt know the reason. He says that not everything should have a reason. Zoya says that he can ask her anything and she would ahev the answer to everything. Asad asks that if she is so naughty and ill mannered, then howcome he likes her so much, and finds her so attractive, when he has never met a more idiotic girl. That when he dislikes her so much, then why does she figure in his dreams, and lights up his darkness.(MITWA MOMENT) Zoya says that the answer to this is simple, and that is that he likes her and also adds that she too likes him. Asad and zoya register this fact, but still under the influence of bhaang, they both laugh it off.(A COMPLETE MITWA SEQUENCE) Asad says that there’s huge difference between reality and dreams, and in real, zoya isnt suitable to be anyone’s perfect wife, and she cant sway in any emotions as she’s entirely wrong for his family. Zoya keeps poking him saying that he’s so mean, while they continue laughing. She finally dozes off on his shoulders and he too drifts off to sleep. The screen freezes on their faces.

Precap: Zoya, with blood smeared cheeks, is baffled at being around a casualty, with many injured people, but is cheerful when she sees asad getting out of the car, and raises out her arms at him, while he too runs in her direction. But she is shocked and hurt, when he crosses without paying any attention to her, and goes on to hug another girl.


Qubool Hai 5th March 2013 Written Update

while zoya distracts asad, ayan leaves with petrol. Zoya asks for snacks from the tea vendor, while asad waits for her in the car. Zoya is unaware that she has actually taken BHAANG KE PAKODE. On the road, she starts open another nonsensical discussion, saying that bhopal is still a long way off, and the car might stop midway. asad doesnt give in to her idiocy by commenting. But it does stop after some time, and asad is confused how can the filled up tank finish up. zoya is happy, but momentarily when she learns that asad is carrying spare oil, and gets down to fill it into his tank. Meanwhile, Zoya gets ayan’s call, and she tells him that OPERATION LAL RUMMAL has failed but OPERATION PYAASI AATMA wont, even if its at risk. As zoya compliments ayna, with her poetry in response to his, ayan thinks that after a long time, he has found somebody who can match upto his poetry. As she sees asad coming back, she cancels the phone, again addressing him as Robert, which confuses asad, and zoya again says that he’s being jealous. Asad is frustrated with zoya’s childish behaviour.

As they drive on, Zoya is trying to scare off asad, by giving Asad an account of how a ghost of a lady, who was in an accident a long ime, keeps wandering in the night, with a candle asking for lift in their vehicle. Asad doesnt pay attention to this and reprimands her for her ignorance and believing in such stories, when she’s so iiliterate. she starts saying that theys houldnt challenge the spirits as they then come for revenge. Asad is unperturbed. She screams out in horror, as she finds a similar person on the road, and she starts reprimanding asad for challenging the spirits, and facing their wrath. Asad, however goes upto that lady, and slaps her tight, instead of getting scared. Zoya is shocked to see this, but she gets about doing her own work, of piercing his oil tank. Asad causes the ghost to flee away, by his courage. He gets back into his car and finds that the two hind tyres are punctured. zoya again says that this must be the spirits’ at work, who are taking their revenge. Asad starts to go out looking for a mechanic, but zoya pretends to be scared and says that they should take shelter and not leave her like this. She finally finds a shelter and as they startwa lking towards it, it also starts raining, and asad gets zoya into the shelter.(MITWA MOMENT)

Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia strews around turmeric powder so that she can trace by the footsteps of the person, as to who’s plotting against her. It leads to badi bi’s room, who is sleeping, and she thinks that she was right. She wakes her up, who says that she doesnt know what is she talking about. Razia accuses her of being behind all the conspiracy and that she would teach her a lesson.
Badi bi starts screaming and when the family members come in, she tells shirin that razia is falsely accusing her of killing, when the doctor even told her that she is unable to walk. Shirn asks razia why is she thinking like that. Razia says that she’s doing drama, and that she would prove it to the house. Badi bi lies on the bed. razia is shocked when she finds that the tumeric trail actually leads to her sandals and not badi bi’s as she claims. she is left speechless and humaira takes her from there to rest, while shirin thinks that razia too is now suffering from the same problem that she accused badi bi of having. After everyone leaves, badi bi gets up on her feet and stands on the ground, much to our surprise. The whole incident is brought to notice, as to how badi bi had been smart not to step into the turmeric paste at razia’s door, but to teach razia a lesson, she had worn her sandals, and left a trail.
Badi bi is very determined that she would trap razia into her own conspiracy, and that razia would be forced to spill out the truth about her involvement in the conspiracy, and that would aquit rashid from the crime. she thinks that what razia started, she would definitely put an end to it.
Nikhat has a dizzy spell, and humaira comforts her saying that she knows that she’s upset for rashid but she would have to take care of herself. She says that anaemia is very common in girls and particularly during pregnancy. Nikhat asks why is she telling her this. Humaira tells about the marathon hunt against anaemia for girls. They both are determined that they would spread this message amongst all girls around.
Location: In the shelter
Asad and zoya enter the shelter, and fortunately the lights work. Zoya starts eating the pakodas, and tells asad how yummy they are, by way of her poetry….
Koi bade dil wala hi yeh pakoda baandh sakta hai….

Pakode itne yummy hai, ki aadmi apni to kya, doosro ki bhi ungliyan chaat sakta hai..!!!

Asad too reluctantly starts having the pakodas. Pretty soon, zoya starts smiling for no reason, that even she isnt able to fathom. Asad and zoya start having the BHAANG KE PAKODE that she had bought at the tea vendor, and start laughing incoherently, as the intoxicating effect of the Bhaang starts. The screen freezes on asad’s idiotically smiling face.
Precap: Asad and zoya are romantically enjoying the rain, under a canopy and dancing the night away, under the effect of the Bhaang.

Qubool Hai 4th March 2013 Written Update

Location: Inside the delapidated building

Zoya says that there must be someone around this house, who can give info about the residents of this place. A person walks in and asks about them. zoya asks him who used to reside here. He says that he has been guarding this place for ages, but noone has come here. she asks if he has any info at all about the owner of this place. He replies in negative, saying that years back, someone used to come, but nomore. She shows him the pic that she has and asks him if he recognizes anyone. Pointing out to a pesrson, he says that he knows this man. She asks him about the pwerson’s name. But he sys that he doesnt remember the person’s name but that years ago, he went to america, and had returned after that. she asks if he knows where he lives now. He says that he has a vague impression, that he lives in bhopal, somewhere near the big mosque. She tells asad that this man is her father, as it coincides wioth the info, that she has of him going to america. SAhe goes out in despair. Zoya is overwhelmed having come face to face with an aspect of her past, and coming one step closer to finding her father. 

Asad places a hand on zoya’s shoulder to comfort her. Zoya turns around and looks for solace in his arms and hugs him tight.(MITWA MOMENT) Asad, too finally, letting go of his awkwardness hugs her and wraps his arms around her, while she sobs on his shoulders.

 Location: Ayan’s residence

Razia is wondering who could be behind sending the message, and wonders if she is doubting unnecessarily. She finds a cloth underneath which to her horror, lie burnt dolls, which remind her of the conspiracy. As she leans on the almirah, more such dolls fall on her, making her scream in horror.

She runs down, and asks humaira if she saw anyone going into her room. when she says no, humaira is shocked when razia goes berserk and starts shouting out who was here. She takes humaira to her room, but to her surprise, she finds the room without any trace of a single doll, and is shocked. humaira is upset as she doesnt understand whats going on.
Razia thinks that things are getting out of hand and that she is being targeted, and decides that she would have to find out if Billo Rani has started with her plan. Razia is happy, when she talks to Billo Rani, and says that she shouldnt waste any more time and start with her plan.
As razia tries to wipe her hands in a cloth, she is scared to find her hands soaked in blood, with a chit saying that she should come clean that she was involved in a murder, or her true self would come out in the open, by them. She says that every bet has a wonner and a loser, and razia never loses. She says that whoever is doing this, wont stop,hence she has already laid out the trap this time, and she would know who’s behind this.
Location: Ayan’s residence

Nazma opens the door, on someone knocking the door. She is surprised to see a gaudily dressed woman standing there and asks what does she want. she gets in introducing herself as Billo, saying that her maid has sent her as she was out of town for a week, and hence has send her instead. when dilshad asks that she doesnt have any info about this, and they dont anything about her too, billo says that she knows everything about them, as she has been told everything by padma. She begins to do her work, while dilshad and nazma are still confused.

Location: On the road

Asad and zoya begin to get into the car. asad asks zoya is she’s alright. Not getting a response from her, he goes to her and asks again. she says yes. He asks if she ever thought why her dad never tries to find her. Zoya in confused. He clarifies saying that she’s going through lenghts and breadths to find out about her father, but he never bothered to do the same for her daughter, which he ideally should. zoya asks him not to talk like that, as they dont know for sure, if he searched for her or not, and that when she finds him, they would be abel to clarify all doubts as to why he left her and if he tried to find out about her or not. Asad decides not to take it any further and stops.

Zoya gets ayan’s phone. Zoya talks to ayan on the phone, in a codic language, saying that asad has left along with her and is asked by ayan to stop at Kalibagh Crossing, where they would start along with their plan. He asks why isnt she talking, she says in a codic language, that asad is sitting right next to him. They decide to call their mission, OPERATION LAAL RUMAAL.
Zoya is asked by asad, about the unusual name robert, and she in retorts back saying that is it that he’s jealous that she was talking to another guy. asad rubbishes off her stupidity.
Midway, zoya asks him to stop, as she wants to drink tea. As asad says that they would find a better place, she again frustrates him, by saying her poetry,
India mein beech sadak mein mil jaati hai gaayin….

Aur sadak kinare milti hain, duniya ki best chai..!!!

Asad, again gives in to zoya’s whims just to get her to shut up. she gets out and goes on to get asad to order for tea. While asad is busy, zoya waves at ayan, with a red handkerchief, and ayan too does the same, saying that the operation has begun. Asad finds her doing so and asks if she was signalling someone. she says no and that she was trying to just dry her handkerchief, which she did. Asad not wanting to get into a stupid conversation with her, gets him tea.
As ayan goes on work on asad’s car, taking fuel from his car, through a pipe, in disguise, draped with a shawl, to distract asad, zoya says that she wants a better tea, as this is stale, and goes on to tell asad how much she is health conscious about the fact that she wants a good tea and not a stale one. Asad is increasingly getting impatienn with her idiocies, while ayan goes on about his work, as zoya keeps him occupied with her whims.
Ayan thinks to himself that without petrol in his car, he wont be able to go to Bhopal, and if that happens then he wont be able to present himself at the hearing also. The screen freezes on his face.
Precap: Zoya is trying to scare off asad, by giving Asad an account of how a ghost of a lady keeps wandering in the night, with a candle asking for lift in their vehicle. She screams out in horror, as she finds a similar person on the road. Asad, however goes upto that lady, and slaps her tight, instead of getting scared. Zoya is shocked to see this.

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Qubool Hai 1st March 2013 Written Update

Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia rushes upto the roof and talks to someone, very anziously, explaining everything that the doll is the only evidence that can free rashid from the guillotines. She asks her to get the doll anyhow, as only her i.e. BILLO RANI is capable of doing this. Badi bi has severe pain in her legs and is unable to stand up. The doctor says that he’s sure that blood stopped circulating in her legs fopr some time, as slipping would have caused her to have a sprainin the leg and not a bruise. razia blames her old age and salvages the situation sowhow. The doctor says that she would need complete bedrest, and goes on to prescribe some medicines. When everyone goes, ayan tries to talk badi bi into spilling the truth, saying that she’s definitely hiding something and coaxes her to talk. But badi bi doesnt.

While razia is sleeping, somebody tries to smother her with a pillow, and when she is able to get up, she finds noone but a chit asking her to speak the truth. she thinks that badi bi is behind this, but is baffled when she finds that badi bi is sound asleep in her bed, in her room.
Location: Asad’s and ayan’s residence
Zoya tells her brother in law about the clue and that she knows her visa is abou to expire but she cant leave until after the hearing. She says that she would take care of herself and cancels the phone. she finds dilshad on the door, who confronts that she knew zoya had come for a reason but didnt know that it was her father. She asks why didnt zoya tll her. Zoya says that she didnt want to burden her with extra load, and asks her not to be angry as she’s at the final step. Dilshad asks that she’s leaving her important work to attend the hearing. The person who shouldnt come, is coming, and she hopes against hopes that asad wouldnt come in the court. After she leaves, zoya is determined that asad wont reach the court.
Zoya steals asad’s phone and calls up ayan, while asad is relaxing and introducing herself as the guest staying in asad’s house. She is very happy when ayan tells that she’s famous. But is surprised when he tells her that asad keeps referring to her as a mad, crazy person. She breaks into her poetry:
Sehra ki tapti mitti, allah se maange hai pani,
main nahi, aapke bhaijaan himself hai sabse badi pareshani!!!
She tells him that she has something important to talk to him. she says that rashid’s hearing is in two days, and asad has to be prevented from giving testimony against rashid in the court. She says that she has a plan in which she needs his help to prevent asad from going. ayan doesnt seem to believe that she can actually stop asad. She says that they would together do it and asks for his approval. Ayan asks the plan and she goes on to explain it to him. after hearing, he too admits that asad was correct in calling her crazy. After he cancels, zoya keeps the phoen back into place, but in doing so, she trips and falls on him instead, and he wakes up at the impacr(MITWA MOMENT) He asks what is she doing here. At a loss for an answer, she says that she had come her to see him if he needs anything. He asks why she came through the window and not the door. She again starts fumbling and says that she never opens the door, hence came in through the window. When asad says that he doesnt need anything, she begins to leave through the window, but asad asks her to go through the door. they both think of each other as fools.
Zoya intentionally talks about NH 13 in front of asad, to nazma, also talking about which bus to take, and what are the risks of crimes on such highways. When nazma asks if she’s going alone, she says that she would have to take the risk, for her important work. She tells nazma not to worry, as she would call her, even if nazma would be helpless. She says that she has also heard that there are landslidesalso, and then she wouldnt even get to call nazma. But she again asks nazma not to worry, all the while thinking how it would affect asad, who seems unperturbed, as she can handle anything on her own. She finally says that if anything finally happens to her, nazma should tell her relatives. Her sob story has its desired effect and finally asad gives in into driving her to that place.
Location: On the road
In order to finish off with the silence, she switches on the radio, but turns it off due to the strange songs playing. She tries to initiate a conversation. Zoya starts with her poetry but doesnt when she sees asad’s frustrated face, saying that she has something very serious to say to him. Zoya says that she has been living in INDIA for so long and that this is the first clue to she wishes that this clue would lead her to her father, and she’s thankful that he’s helping her so much in her quest. Asad too says that its OKAY. (MITWA MOMENT)
Location: Outside a delapidated building
Zoya shows asad the building, that has an uncanny similarity to the photo that she has of the building in her tab. She takes asad inside and starts to search around for clues, highly excited that she’s close to finding her father. She finally spots a photo on the wall, which catches her eyes. seeing her gazing at it so hard, asad picks it up from the wall. Zoya shows asad the pic on the wall of the deteriorated building, which matches with the photo that she has, and says that ayan was right and they have been looking for this house only. The screen freezes on her tensed and emotional face.

Precap: Asad places a hand on zoya’s shoulder to comfort her. Zoya turns around and looks for solace in his arms and hugs him tight.(MITWA MOMENT) Asad, too finally, awkwardly hugs and wraps his arms around her, while she sobs on his shoulders.