Qubool Hai 28th December 2012 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence

Zoya, who detremines herself that she would keep her ego aside decides to talk to asad and goes outside. she musters up courage thrice but is unable when faced with him to talk, remembering last night’s arguement. She is about to talk when asad leaves calling out to dilshad that he’s going for a very imp meeting.   Location: Ayan’s residence   Ayan is looking at the ring and thinking that such a beautiful ring could make any girl’s heart melt, while humaira is watchin ghim talk to himself from a distance. He leaves the room , giving her the chance to try on the ring. When ayan returns and finds the ring in her hand, he tries to take it out, but it gets stuck. They both try to pull it out of hr finger. Razia and shirin passing by look at them and assume that they are a too much in love couple and that they are already practising their own engagement ceremony. They leave happy. Humaira too leaves ayan’s room while he puts the ring back in its case.
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya gets into asad’s room to search for her hearing which she’s sure is lying in there.But then she hears asad’s voice and realising that he’s back in the house. she hides next to the sofa post. asad enters and starts changing much to zoya’s horror. When he is about to take off his pants, zoya stops him saying that he shouldn tbe taking off all his clothes and then before he can say anything, she runs out of the room. He follows her and is about to reprimand her when he remembers his vow not to speak with her. Zoya takes advantage of this and instigates him to talk. He tries asking her what was she doing in his room, but she deliberately pretends not to understand it and alos mocks him for it. She says that she cant be angry at somebody fr long and theerfore she has decided to forgive him. She tells him that she went in there for his earring. And leaves with asad frustratedly looking around.
Location: Asad’s and ayan’s residence
Asad gets ayan’s call and he tells asad that nikhat’s engagement is tomorrow and is a little sad. asad tells him that sisters have to go but they always reside in their brother’s heart. They are about to talk more but hearing dilshad’s voice, he tries to cut it short but ayan wants to speak with him more. He makes her understand that he shouldnt be this reckless about talking with him till her marriage is done. He cancels the call.

Asad wonders to himself that its very painful for him too that he cant talk freely with his little brother who he taught how to walk. even dilshad doesnt know that he secretly meets ayan. He wonders that he himself tells her not to keep relations with that house all the while doing that himself. hearing her voice call him out again, he opens the door. She gives him his coffee and leaves. zoya behind the door thinks to herself that tonight she would search asad’s room and find her earring.
Scene 5:
Location: Asad’s and ayan’s residence
Dilshad working on the sewing machine, remembers that the doctor had told rashid to get a checkup. she calls him up. He happily picks up. she asks him if he feels better now. Before he can answer, she hears shirin’s voice asking rashid why is he taking medicines. In his efforts to explain shirin, he also finds a way to passively talk to dilshad and tell her that he’s better and the reports came back fine. shirin goes to get his sweater. Dilshad having heard, cancels the phone.
Scene 6:
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya steals into asad’s room. her torchlight distracts asad from his sleep and he wakes up to find a silhouette in the dark. assuming it to be ayan, he asks him to leave and then goes to give him a cuddle so that he can leave as without that asad knows ayan wouldnt. But on hugging, he is surprised. And he switches on the light to find its zoya. She immediately says that she always had a doubt that he met somebody in nights and now that she knows the truth, she would tell everybody. Asad instantly breaks his vow of not speaking with her and tries to talk. But she refusessaying that when she wanted to talk, he showed her attitude. Now she would spread his secret like wildfire and leaves. Asad is worried that what would happen if dilshad gets to know.
Scene 7:
Location: Haseena’s residence
While haseena’s relative is happy about the gifts, haseena pretends to be very indifferent and highly critical of the gifts ayan ha brought for them. he however shuts her saying that they dont bother about the price of the gift rather the intention of the person giving it. saying so he leaves cordially. Haseena then calls up feroz saying that ayan has left her house. Feroz says that today he would take care of the work she gave him. He sees ayan driving past him. He tells his unit on the walkie talkie that ayan is headed their way and asks them to be alert. The screen freezes on his evil face.

Precap: Asad telling the viewers that the story would take a new unexpected turn. Feroz has asad and ayan in his captive with his team. He is torturing ayan trying to get him to admit his relation to asad. But asad and ayan finally manage to overpower the hooligans and beat them to pulp together.  

Qubool Hai 27th December 2012 Written Update

Location: Ayan’s residence
The children of the khan family are poartying on the eve of shirin’s birthday. they also try to engage shirin and rashid into it. He looks a little lost.they then get on to the cake wtih ayan commenting that rashid must have planned loads of other surprised for her. They cut the cake while ayan stealthily slips a jewellery box in rashid’s coat. then he pretends as if rashid got it for her and gives it to rashid and tells him to give it to shirin. she is overwhelmed as he confusedly gives the box to her. she finds a beautiful pair of bangles and she comments that rashid had remembered that she had liked those bangles when she had seen them and thankx him for the gift. While kids get busy in the cake, shirin takes a piece and feeds it to rashid who had drifted away. She comments that she’s very happy today and has forgiven rashid for everything. He remembers dilshad too saying the same thing at the bakery.Asad is trying to bandage himself. Dilshad seeing this, comes in his room and helps him do it. Before they can talk, he gets a call from someone to whom he says that he wants akram and his hooligans to go for atleast 7 years behind bars and make a strong case against them. He also tells dilshad that he had handed akram over to the police. And that he did the right thing since he cant tolerate anyone who cant respect women. He regrest that he spent so much time with akram yet couldnt notice his personality. she says that he was wrong about zoya too. She tells him that he has a picture of a good girl, and whoever doesnt fit the bill is classified by him as bad. zoya isnt bad, just different. If he opens his thinking broader, he would know that its not right to have a prejudiced, one sided opinion about somebody. He says that zoya was wrong too on her part of running from her marriage. Dilshad remembering rashid having a panic attack in the bakery, says thta one mistake cant be allowed to weigh down a person. If life gives a second chance, then they are nobody to refuse life that. He argues that there’s a difference between mistake and crime that the latter is always premeditated. Therefore, even if life gives a secind chance, nothign changes since u cant change someone’s habits. She says that time just doesnt teach lesson, it also erases the lessons learned. He disagrees with that opinion. He says that people like zoya never change, and she would know it better as the same happened with Rashid. She says that they were discussing about zoya and not his father. just like, he thinks that akram being wrong doesnt make zoya right, similarly zoya being wrong doesnt make asad right for what he did. He is rendered speechless at this.

Zoya who is wondering about her lost earring, decides to hear some music and puts on her earphones. She has her back to the room. Asad enters her room and sees it all strewn about. he ignores it and thinking she’s listening to him, says that he doesnt know why she ran from her marriage, but it was wrong on his part and poor descision because of which she had to face that and he’s terribly sorry for that. Zoya doesnt respond since she isnt listening. she turns around just like that to find asad standing and is immediately surprised and bashes him up again for entering her room when she had so clearly said that she doesnt want to talk to him. he begins again that he doesnt know why she ran from her marriage, but she cuts him short saying that she doesnt understand why is he so interested in knowing why she ran, as if she ran from her marriage with him. Asad is frustrated and speechless too hearing this. He tris to speak but she bashes him up again for being judgemental and tells him not to talk to her at all. finally his patience too gives in and they both turn their ways away from each other deciding never to speak with the other again.

Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Shirin and razia are discussing about gifts to be sent to imran’s house for the engagement ceremony. Shirin calls ayan on razia’s demand who instructs him to keep everything with care and also tells him to take it tomorrow to haseena dn deliver the ring personally to her. He leaves. The girls are watching and heave a sigh of relief. Nuzrat and humaira begin to tease nikhat.

Scene 4:
Location: Asad’s residence
Standing in front of the mirror, zoya regrets losing the earring that her mother had given her. She decides to ask dilshad. She tells her to ask asad about it when Zoya gives her a dose of her famous poetry:

She turns around to face asad. they both remember their arguement and asad leaves without saying anything. in her room, zoya is confused how to fidn the earring. She remembers asad fighting like a hero and is full of admiration for him. she decides that she would let go of her ego and pride and would talk to him about the earring. The screen freezes on zoya’s face.

Precap: Dilshad advertises the new show airing on zeetv from 31st December, HOUSEWIFE HAi, SAB JAANTI HAI!

Qubool Hai 26th December 2012 Written Update

While rashid has gone to get a cake for shirin, dilshad too happens to be in the same bakery to get confectionary. But their paths dont cross until they collide into each other n come face to face. Rashid says that destiny has its own way and reason to make them meet again and again. She taunts him by saying that maybe destiny isnt done with insulting her that daya dn hence wants more. He apologizes for that day on razia’s behalf and says he’s not been able to sleep since then. She again taunts him by saying that if her insult was an issue with him, he wouldnt have slept in 17 years rendering him speechless. He asks for forgiveness but she asks him inreturn would he have if she chose wealth over love like he did 17 years back and left her with the kids. she says that she’s habituated to living without him and doesnt want to change her habit now. She gets her packet by the waiter and leaves while rashid tries continually to stop her. An onlooker watches while he falls on the ground clutching his chest. The commotion makes dilshad look back and she screams out seeing rashid on the floor.The onlooker turns out to be a doctor and she treats him and gives him some medicines. she says that he had an attack of low B.P. and tells him not to take stress and not fight unnecessarily which she couldnt help but overhear. she asks him to take complete rest and be stress free. when she leaves, dilshad tries to free her hand from his grasp. He resists but then gives in, letting go of his hand. She stand to leave but turns back to tell him not to punish himself like that and that she forgives him for everything. Rashid is speechless while she leaves.

Scene 2:

Location: Asad’s residence

Seeing nazma make breakfast for zoya, he tells her to go study for her exams offering to take the food himself. he enters zoya’s room which wakes her up from the sleep. Despite him telling her not to, zoya gets up on her own and alos refuses his hand that he extends for support when she tries to stand to get water for herself. asad is frustrated but doesnt reply. while she walks out of the room, he too follows. She tries to reach out for the jug on the dining table. he offers to do it himself citing that she’s hurt. She retaliates back saying that she’s hurt in the heart but to see that, he needs to have a heart or emotions himself. She accuses him of sending her to people who drugged her and forcibly tried to get her to marry, when she tried explaining that she had reasons to run from her marriage. She accuses him of being judgemental of her from the very beginning. She sys he wouldnt have cared even if she had gotten married because to him, his ego is the strongest. He tries to defend saying that he didnt know about akram. she says that its his problem that he thinks he knows everything. And that he wants to change everyone’s thinking and ideologies to his pattern. He never thinks that somebody could have a different view than him and still be right. He wants the world to rule his way. He is also accused of being orthodox despite being literate, when he judges people’s character by their clothing sense. She says that he feels like that girls like her are wrong and by wearing such clothes invite trouble on themselves. He doesnt even feels he’s worry or else he would have sorry a long time ago. He tries to, but she stops him saying that now he doesnt need to since she doesnt want to talk to him anymore. Having finshed with her energy, she almost falls unconscious on him and he again lifts her up and places her on the bed while she continues with her ranting of not talking to her. After tucking her in her bed, he is about to leave, when she keeps calling him again and again just to tell her that she wont talk to him. Asad is frustrated but doesnt reply back.

Scene 3:

Location: Ayan’s residence

While everybody is waiting for rashid to return home, razia starts with her taunts saying that its beyond digesting that the person who arranged all this, rashid has disappeared himself. Seeing shirin sad, nikhat and ayan too are upset. Just when mamujaan gets up to have dinner without rashid at the table, ayan happily points out that rashid has come. He is standing in the doorway with a cake for shirin. She too smiles seeing him.

Scene 4:

Location: Asad’s residence

While zoya is given her favourite pizza and diet coke for dinner by nazma and dilshad, asad too joins them on the dining table to have dinner. He notices nazma and dilshad caring for zoya immenely. He begins his dinner. Dilshad offers hima pizza slice ut he refuses. Having finished, zoya retires for the night while dilshad offers to bring warm water for her to relax in the bath tub. Nazma notices zoya’s right earring missing and poinbts it out to her. Zoya freaks out while saying that those were her favourites and had been given to her by her mother. Asad remembers that the earring had entangled itself in his coat’s sleeve. He tries to tell them but nobody pays attention to her. Dilshad takes zoya to her room and a restless nazma too, taking asad’s permission, follows. Asad, all alone remembers his moments with zoya and is tensed. The screen freezes on his tensed face.

Precap: Asad tries to tell her that he didnt know why she ran from her marriage, but she cuts him short saying that she doesnt understand why is he so interested in knowing why he ran, as if she ran from her marriage with him. Asad is frustrated and sppechless too hearing this.

Qubool Hai 25th December 2012 Written Update

Zoya is about to forcefully say Qubool Hain when Asad comes and says qubool nahin hain. Akram & zoya both shocked seeing him.Asad looks furiously at akram when asad says this wedding is not legal as you are not a man since you do not respect women. One of akram’s relative asks Asad to leave when asad says he wont go without Zoya. Mitwa song in background when Asad takes Zoya in his arms and leaves. He comes out of the cottage when the goons stop him,Asad makes zoya sit on a bench and waits for them while the goons attack him.Asad beats each of them black & blue and is the process gets hurt on his eyebrow. Zoya gains conscious and looks at Asad when a goon comes to attack her and zoya trying to save herself injures her hands . Asad then beats the goon while Zoya looses conscious.Asad brings zoya home,makes her lie down on the bed, she is unconscious, asad removes his hand from under her head,zoya flinches as her hand pains, asad carefully keeps her hand aside. Tu jahhan main wahaan song in background.Asad turns to leave when Zoya calls him and stretches her hand which asad grips and zoya says how akram forced her to marry but she falls asleep,asad looks at her for some moments and leaves.He comes out of zoya’s room and wipes the blood stains and remembers how he thought zoya always creates some trouble… how zoya had told she will go and meet akram.Asad finds Zoya’s earring in his sleeve and keeps looking at it.uzzat is taking care of all arrangements and checks with Rashid as to what time he will come home as its shireen’s bday today, Rashid rues that he forgot when nuzzat says they have arranged a surprise party and asks him to collect the cake while coming home.Rasia tells her hubby that she has spoken about humeira & ayan wedding and rashid shireen seem to have accepted it, They both feel happy that humeira will remain in the house even after wedding.Shireen comes to them when power goes off and they get franctic just then all wish and sing happy birthday, shireen is excited and happy that no one forgot her bday. Nikhat says we were trying to make it a suprise for you, rasia and her hubby bless shireen. Ayaan tells all this arrangement was done by Rashid abbu, shireen feels elated.A doctor treats zoya and tells asad that she is physically fine but maybe mentally disturbed and asks asad to take care of her.Dilshad & najma are furious at asad not talking to him and dilshad tells najma to give soup to zoya .

Episode ends on split screen of Zoya and Asad.

 – Zoya is awake when Asad says she is not in a position to walk but zoya refuses his help.

Qubool Hai 24th December 2012 Written Update

Ayan and humaira are surrounded by nadeem’s guys rendering them helpless. While ayan is beaten up by all of them, humaira searches around and finally finds a big stone that she hits on nadeem’s head giving ayan the chance to overcome them and fight each of them instead. nadeem finally gives in. ayan tells humaira to vent out her anger by beating him as much as she can. she complies and finally nadeem runs away from there. Seeing her upset, ayan givesher his jacket and takes her from there. Humaira is moved to see this. while they leave, a police car arrives and feroz gets out of the car watching them go.Location: At an isolated placeZoya is forcibly brought to a place by akram and his men who ties her up and give her an injection that drifts her to semi-unconsciousness. Thereafter they take her to two ladies and ask them to dress her up for the marriage ritual. When she’s made ready, she tries to flee from the ladies and locks herself behind a room. There she tries to place a call from their phone.Meanwhile, dilshad and nazma who tried to earlier convince asad that zoya must be in some trouble and he had waved them off saying that she must be behaving irresponsible aagain, now receive a call and hear zoya’s tired and dull voice but cant hear any further. they tell asad and he asks them not to worry and says that he would find out at the cafe. He also calls up at the office to get akram’s house no.He calls up at akram’s house but when his mother picks up the phone and says that her son is at office and that she’s absolutely fine, he goes berserk and immediately calls up his office to ask them to track down the no that zoya called from, on dilshad’s cell.
Location: Ayan’s residence
while rashid is trying to argue about the haste of ayan and humaira’s marriage descision, shirin and razia try to talk him into it. Razia also asks him if he has any doubts other than the haste. He sys that he is only in tension regarding the early descision about their marriage without even asking them what they think and that whether ayan and humaiar want to be each other’s life partners for eternity. He drifts off in his own pst and says in the present context that some relations if made, cannot be compromised for life. And that the choice they made would be their for life. and without love, the life journey seems horribly long, and therefore….he is stopped by some noise on the door. Razia watches from the balcony.she finds ayan and humaira coming into the house, all the while he trying to cheer humaira up after the dreadful experience that she went through. She thanks him and he says cajolingly that being her best friend since childhood, its but natural for him to protect her from any danger. Seeing this razia calls rashid and shows them how much they care for each other and asks him if he still wants any more evidence of their love. Rashid is speechless on seeing this.Humaira comes out aftre changing. Ayan steps in her room and brightens her up again. But she is embarassed when he says that he understoos that she was chjatting with nadeem thinking him to be ayan but she didnt understand why she went out for a date thinking it was with him. She is flushed and shy and before she can answer, nuzrat and nikhat walk in and disturb them by asking about the evening party’s arrangement. He tells thaat everything’s ready and that he would take care of it. they just need to get her downstairs all dressed up. They take ayan’s leave. When humaira too tries to go, he stops her by holding her hand and asks her the same question that she had left unanswered. She again blushes while he again gets down to his casual flirting with her. She is still smiling when he leaves.

Scene 4:
Location: At the cafe
Asad reaches at the cafe and is told by one of the waiters that he saw a guy named akram who took a girl along with other guys and went away. asad is disturbed hearing this. Just then he gets a call telling him the location that the call was placed from.

Scene 5:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Nuzrat and nikhat are making up excuses for getting her to get dressed. Dejcted that noone remembers her anniversary, shirin agrees to get dressed while nuzrat and nikhat go out to dress up themselves. shirin wonders to herself that it really isnt a special day today.

Scene 6:
Location: At the isolated place
A dishevelled semi conscious beaten up, bruised zoya is brought down by akram for the nikah. The priest refuses to marry her to akram in such a condition. But when, akram’s friend, threatens him for life, he starts the nikah. Akram gives his consent. Then they ask zoya for her consent. She avoids the first two times, then the third time while akram is waiting impatiently, she is about to say QUBOOL HAI when asad comes in says QUBOOL NAHI HAI. The screen freezes on asad’s stern face.

Precap: Asad takes a bruised zoya in his arms and walks out while akram watches. He then fights off akram’s guys in the garden and beats them to pulp.

Qubool Hai 21st December 2012 Written Update

Shireen is setting the table for breakfast..! Nuzhat comes and greets her n Shireen wonders why she din wish her! Shireen tells Nuzhat she is looking nice n ies thers anything special..? Nuzhat says no..! Nikhat .. comes and she too justgreets Shireen n sits! Shireen asks her what is the day? Nikhat says.. ednesday ..! Shireen asks Ayan n he says.. its too hot today..! Shireen sulks..! As Shireen walks away.. the trio discuss their plans for a surprise for Shireen in the evening! Shireen is teary eyed and rues that no one wished her on her budday.. n if her kids forgot.. no question of Rasheed remembering! Ayan asks where is Humera? Nikhat says.. in her room .. the trio discuss that.. she is acting strange..! Humera sees the clock ..its 10am n she remembers the threat of meeting at 10am n her morphed pics..!Zoya comes and walks towards Akram! They take a seat n Akram orders coffee..! Zoya apologises to Akram .. for hatever happened..whatever she did..! She says that she dinno Akram..and wasnt ready for wedding.. it was all too sudden..! She says that relations formed forcefully dun last..neither he would have been happy . .nor she..! She says..thats why she said.. Qubool Nahi hai..! She says she had no intention to run off.. but some of his relatives..! She says that some of his relatives were goon types.. ! She apologises to Akram.. n says that his relatives wanted them to get married forcefully so she was scared and had no option but to run off! Razia notices her moby ringing ..call is from Haseena..! Haseena says that they saw the bungalow project of theirs.. n loved it.. n asks if she talked to Rasheed about the bungalow? Razia says.. yes.. n that it will take 6-8 months..! She says.. once wedding happens.. whatever she wants will be done.! Haseena agrees.. but fumes.!Nuzhat – Nikhat – Ayan are discussing the plans for evening.. and Ayan asks Humera to suggest romantic song but she explodes on him and says..she was stupid to believe in true love..! She walks off. .n Nikhat asks whats wrong ..? Ayan says.. just showing attitude!
Haseena calls Firoz and asks.. him to hurry up and dig out the truth of Asad Ahmed Khan! Firoz says..he has his eyes set on Ayan ..! Haseena says..that. .once they find out whats the relation of Asad with Ayan.. then she will net the bungalow.. in 6 days flat..!

Humera is scared when she receives a chat alert..! It reads that the pic will reach her father as she din come at 10am! Humera comes out and sees a guy handing over a cover to her dad..! Humera is panic stricken! Her dad opens the cover .. and says..empty cover? Who can send? Humera breathes a sigh of relief..! She turns and sees Ayan..! He asks her whats the matter..why is she looking so pale? Humera runs off..! She receives a text .that reads that next time.. the cover wont be empty . n asks her to meet at the hill top at 5pm! Ayan wonders whats the matter with Humera?

Part 2

Zoya tells Akram that she knows…that he and his family went thru a lot of pain for her actions! She says that the way his family chased her n tried her to force her to marry him ..it was wrong. .n for that.. he should apologise to her! She says that…she wants that they both realise their mistake.. n apologise to each other and end the matter! Akram says ..he came to end the matter.. but not this.. rather the matter that was left incomplete the other day! Slowly Akrams goons surround Zoya..! Zoya asks..what? Akram says..he din come here to listen to her crap.. nor to forgive her.. ! Akrams men form a circle around Zoya..! Zoya recollects seeing the goons chasing her..! She gets up.. with a start..! Akram says that the wedding rituals left incomplete will be completed today.. n this time ..Zoya has to say QUBOOL HAI.. either at her own will or forcefully ..! Zoya looks around and finds herself surrounded..! She is shocked..! 
Humera is shaking in fear and is sneaking out of the house.. Ayan sees..! He wonders whats the matter with her.. ! He wonders if she is in trouble..! Ayan comes to Nuzhats room n notices.. Humeras laptop on..! He checks the message.. n sees the pic.. ! 
Dilshad calls Asad n says Zoya is not back yet.. its too late! Asad says.. she is too careless n must have gone out to loiter after meeting Akram! Asad asks her to call Zoya…! Dilshad says.. that.. she did but her phone is unavailable! Dilshad feels guilty n Asad says..Akram is a good guy .. n Zoyas phone mite be dead..! Dilshad wonders if Zoya is in trouble n Asad says… the girl is trouble herself.. even trouble must be scared to come near her..! Asad says he is busy n cuts the call..!
Humera comes to the hill top .. theres a deserted garage..! The guy blackmailing her comes there and says.. ‘woh aaye hamare bulane par..khuda ki kudrat hai. .kabhi hum unhe.. kabhi khud ko dekhte hain’! Humera says..it was her mistake.. she thought he was Ayan..! The guy says.. so she can continue to think he is Ayan n close her eyes. n do the rest with him..! He starts to manhandle her n tears off the shoulder off her dress ..! 
Part 3
Asad asks one of his office guy where is Akram? He answers that his mom is sick so he wont be coming for few days..! Asad says..fine..! The guy blackmailing Humera is dragging her.. n right then Ayan comes and kicks him..! Humera runs to him ..! Ayan says that.. the guy looks such a big DASH .. he wont die with 100 kicks.. so better test it..! Ayan asks .. Humera to come with him..! The guy gets up n kicks Ayan in the back n he falls to the ground..! Ayan kicks him in the gut n tells him that.. the dogs of a street cant become lion..! The guy calls his friends.. ! Ayan-Humera are surrounded..by goons! 

Precap — Dilshad is on the phone and asks the matter? Asad comes and overhears..! Dilshad says..something is wrong for sure..! Asad says..he will go and check at the cafe where Zoya was to meet Akram.!

Qubool Hai 20th December 2012 Written Update

The episode starts with Humera looking at her chat with that boy…Ayaan comes and asks her how she came back so early…Humera says she was having fever…Ayaan checks it and says that she cant even lie he knows what happened…Humera asks what does he know…Ayaan tells that she wanted to bunk the class and she came back early…Humera is still crying…Ayaan asks her whats the matter …Humera TRIES TO TELL HIM THEN STOPSRashid says to Razia that Haseena bee is a greedy lady whose demands will never end and he cant fulfill al her demandsZoya talking to Ami that she was abt to get Asad married …Asad comes and says that u are that girl who said yes to Akram and then ran away from marriage,for u everything is just a joke ,Zoya says Jahan tak baat hai mere khud ke nikkah se bhagne ki …i as not ready for itAsad says u must have said that to ur parents and dont try to prove that Akram family pressurised u fr anythingZoya says “”hOW CAN YOU BE SO JUDGEMNETAL without knowing myside of the story””Asad “”aap ke ghar waloon ne yahan per rehne tu bhej dia per aap ne yeh baat hum se kion chupai””Dilshaad interrupts and says that she knew it but i was afraid that how will u react thats why i didnt tell youAsad gets angry and leave from thereAyaan see Rashid sleeping in the study …he says to him that Ami loves u alot she cant stay away from u for long…Rashid says to him that there are some matters taht need time…Nuzhat comes and asks Humera what is she doing…Humera gets confused and starts shivering…Razia talks tO Mamu Jan that if Nighat gets married to Imraan Then Rashid wdnt be able to say no to Humera and Ayaan’s purposal…Mamu jan says that he will not be able to say no to me…Razi asays fr Humera we hav to fulfill Haseena bee demandsAsad Called Akram That Zoya will Come To Meet u To Tell u The Reason why She Left Him In The Nikah Time and Then Dilshaad tells him that U Can’t Decide It’s Her Personal Matter…Asad says thats why i am not interfering…Akram is working in my office and all workers of my office are y family …i mean like my family…And I Know If Zoya Refuse to go there then there must be some Reason but She Has To Tell Him Once Then During Their Talks Zoya Came And Said If Mr Khan Think I Should Meet him And It Was My Mistake So I Will Go…

Qubool Hai 19th December 2012 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence

Dilshad is shocked to see zoya approaching akram and asad with coffee. she calls out to nazma, who instantly rushes to stand in front of zoya, while akram and asad turn around to see her and cant see zoya behind her. dilshad feigns a burn in the hand. Nazma taking the cue, sends zoya off her band aid. While she goes inside, akram takes asad’s leave and dilshad is relieved. When zoya returns, he deliberately says that when people go out, they forget their mannerisms too. She thinks he’s talking about eleana. While she gets busy, asad is talking and being angry again at the girl who left akram at the altar. when he leaves, zoya says to dilshad that she would find out about whats bothering asad.  Location: Ayan’s residence  Razia asks haseena about her fixing relations with others. She tries to cover it up saying that she has always chosen this family for her son. razia then asks about the car, she immediately lights up but mentions alongside, that such a car looks good outside a bful flat and indirectly hints at her next demand for a house in rashid’s next project.  :Location: Asad’s office  Zoya finds eleana talking to asad’s employee that asad had broken her heart, pronounced as DIL in hindi. she immediately comes to her rescue, and says that if asad’s mother agrees then she would have no problems. while asad gets back with his employee, he is boggled to find eleana gone. Just then he notices akram, pacing in the doorway. He asks him whats wrong. Hesitating, he says that he saw the girl, that dicthed him here in the office. He was after her just to ask why did she do this to him. He also tells him that she was wearing white top and blue jeans. Asad asks him to take the day off.

Scene 4:

Location: Taj Garddens

Humaira arrives and finds a trail of clues that lead her right to the place where nadeem is standing, with his back against her so she cant see. all this while, she is happy thinking that she would finally get some romantic moments with ayan. but when she comes face to face with nadeem, she tries to run away and is scared. nadeem tries to keep her forcibly. She rebukes him back and runs away from there. nadeem follows but then gives up saying that she would have to come to him, by hook or by crook.

Scene 5:

Location: Asad’s residence

When asad reaches home, he is surprised to find dilshad and nzma standing with questioning eyes, as to how could he do this to them. then zoya comes out bringing eleana with her in a traditional indian attire. Zoya starts talking about how dilshad has finally agreed to his wish keeping in mind, his happiness. Asad is unable to understand whats going on and is shocked out of her wits, when she asks asad o freely, give eleana his heart without any hesitation. He blows his top over zoya saying he only had doubts that she was dumb, but now its confirmed. He then goes on to clear, when eleans was talking to her, she didnt mean, DIL, she meant DEAL. All are shocked to hear this and asad as usual is stunned to find zoya having been behind all this. She tries to clarify that she heard his phone talks and assumed that she was asad’s girlfriend.

while oing, asad apologizes but eleana says not to bother and also tells not to be nagry at zoya as she just means good for the family. Once she’s gone, asad goes on to say how embarassing it was for him today. dilshad tries to make it light syaing that it was humourous. Zoya sensing his mood, apologizes for his mistake, but then justifies hearing phone calls and then finding her at the office today. He warns her and is about to go, when he is set to thinking that zoya went to the office, and remembering what akram had described she was wearing matched zoya’s dress, he is a bit tensed.

while searching for a file late at night, he accidentally stumbles across zoya’s wedding card and the truth finally reveals itself, when he connects all the incidents together, he is reminded how his first meeting with zoya had been when she was dressed as a bride. he also remembers akram’s talks. the screen freezes on asad’s disgusted face.

Precap: Zoya is joking with nazma and dilshad that if possible she woudl have gotten the priest along with her so that she could help in asad getting married. Asad comes in and throwing a wedding card on the table, says that she who ran from her own marriage cant help anyone in getting married. Zoya and the other ladies are also shocked to hear this. He asks her point blank that wasnt she the girl who ran from her wedding with akram after having said yes to her.


Qubool Hai 18th December 2012 Written Update

Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya starts advising asad about his love life indirectly, when he sees her wiping the eyes and presumes that he was crying. she starts asking him to keep his fort and never back down from doing something that he does believe in. Asad not understanding a word of what he is saying is getting irritated. She still goes on saying that he shouldnt hesitate if he has to ask for help since everybody needs help at some point or the other. Asad finally completely frustrated tells her to leave the room. She leaves thinking that asad’s mood is bad due to him being upset in his love life. He wonders himself that this girl suffers from mental imbalance.   Location: Ayan’s residence   When rashid is about to go out, razia calls him from behind and enquires about the car. Rashid is again irritated at its mention. He says that whats the hurry as he had already given the order. she says that its required since without that, haseena might refuse to the marriage. He says that he wouldnt wish to marry off her daughter where her relations are being treated as a business. And leaves. Razia thinks to herself that even if he doesnt want, she definitely wants this relation to happen since its very important to her and she will see to it that it does.Meanwhile while nikhat, nuzrat and ayan engage in their senseless banter, they are stunned to see humaira dressed beautifully in a red dress. while she’s dreaming about her date with ayan, he is unaware of whats going on in her mind.
Scene 3:
Location: Asad’s residence
Asad comes to dilshad wanting to talk about zoya suggesting that she might be suffering from depression due to loneliness and be taking drugs due to which she’s not mentally balanced these days. dilshad is horrified to hera this and asad furthermore adds that she should try talking to her and if needed take her to a psychiatrist. When he leaves, she has not yet recovered from the shock when zoya comes in saying the same about asad and that he might be hiding something due to being lonly and hence refuses to marry also. She tells dilshad to show him to a good doctor. Thinking about both their talks, dilshad is frustrated as to what to do.
Scene 4:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Shirin and rashid are asked by mamujaan as to whats the reason of haseena coming today. Razia too joins the conversation. But before she can say anything, they all are speechless seeing haseena at their door.
Haseena sits down and starts expressing her doubts about the marriage. But before she can proceed, razia pleases her by giving her car keys saying they are of Imran’s new car that they had wanted. Haseena immediately changes her tone and is super pleased. rashid looks shocked. when razia asks what had she come to talk about, she says they were just routine marriage preparations talk. everybody heaves a sigh of relief but rashid is upset.
Scene 5:
Location: Asad’s residence
Akram, an employee of asad comes in to get some drafts and cheques signed by him. When dilshad asks about him, he tells her that its the same guy who was left stranded by his bride to be at the altar. Dilshad is shocked to hear that. Asad tells nazma to make something for Akram and give him too. dilshad tells nazma,
after asad is gone, that this guy was ditched by zoya only. She is worried what would happen if zoya is seen by him.
While signing papers, asad notices various anomalies in the drafts and confronts akram saying that the fact that he has still not been able to forget and cope up with what happened at his nikah is affecting his work too for the past one month. Dilshad goes on to ask him to forget about her and move on. Meanwhile zoya comes in the kitchen. nazma is surprised to see her there and tries to send her off on the pretext of changing her belt. Dilshad too notices zoya, who hasnt paid attention to nazma’s advise and is terrified seeing zoya get the coffee for akram, without knowing its the same guy that she had ditched. The screen freezes on zoya’s face.
Precap: Zoya is joking with nazma and dilshad that if possible she woudl have gotten the priest along with her so that she could help in asad getting married. Asad comes in and throwing a wedding card on the table, says that she who ran from her own marriage cant help anyone in getting married. Zoya and the other ladie

Qubool Hai 17th December 2012 Written Update

Zoya sitting in her room lamenting that she did the alarm system for the safety of the house but asad found a fault with that too. Just then asad tries to open the window and the alarm triggers off irritating him. zoya thinking its a thief instantly comes along with her team of weapons, but asad tells and reprimands her to keep the alarm switched off and keep it like that when he’s at home. Then he tells her to leave his room. While she’s leaving, Ayan tries to enter in asad’s house in the middle of the night. Zoya sees his silhouette in the curtain and thinks that a thief has attacked the house. She again braces herself to catch the thief, but seeing it disappear into asad’s room is all the more troubled. While she wakes up nazma, asad opens his window to let ayan in and asks him the reason for coming so late in the night. He shares what is going on between rashid and shirin and sys that he’s troubled since he cant see shirin like this. Asad asks him to treat his parents as human beings first who have their own problems and tensions and asks him to let them sort it out themselves and that its better not to know the reason sometimes. Asad also remembers haseena’s stinging words and tell ayan to take his mind off this subject. Ayan gets up to leave Nazma doesnt agree when zoya says she saw a thief again. She advices zoya not to disturb asad again on her whim since this time, he would definitely kill her. Zoya finding no other way out, determines to find the thief herself and speeds straight into the room and falls on asad on the bed, who lets it happen in a bid to let aya out of zoya’s sight. while ayan tries to flee from the window, asad rolls on top of her to avoid her seeing him. When ayan is out of his sight, he gets up and asks zoya what was bothering her this time. She again tells him about the theif and he again reprimands her for entering into his room without kncking. She takes her pepper spray and leaves. Asad tells ayan also to go and also stops him from casually trying to get asad to hook him up with this girl. While he’s leaving, zoya who was thinking that why is asad trying to hide the fact that someone came into his room, sees him an concludes that its asad’s girlfriend and therefore he was so skeptic about the alarm in the house cause that would have hindered her movement.
Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Next morning, nuzrat asks for the laptop from humaira sionce ayan is chatting on his. She makes up an excuse of some project and doesnt giv her. she then logs on and Nadeem pretending to be ayan, also incidentally logs on and thinking him to be ayan she again starts her casual flirting with him. he calls her to the taj Gardens in the evening and asks her to come in red. meanwhile a love struck humaira, reminded of the horoscope that nuzrat read out to her, is overjoyed that ayan is finally expressing his love for her.

Outside razia has some guests o
ver who are discussing as to how sad this must be for her. when she comes, they start to commend her on her stability and courage even aftre the sad news. she asks them what are they talking about since she doesn thave a clue. They tell her that they know that nikhat and imran’s marriage has been called off. She cites this as a rumour spread by their enemies and that the wedding’s still on. But they tells her that in another high profile wedding fuction, they found haseena looking forr relations for her son and therefore they came to the obvious conclusion. But razia tells them that there’s nothing to be worried about and assures them that thewedding is most certainly happening and this all must be their misunderstanding. after sending them off, she is wondering what haseena is upto, she wonders whether she already knows about asad’s relation to this house or she really wants to call of the marriage. Just then she receives haseena’s call. Before she can say anything, she is told by haseena to gather everybody in their house at 5′o’ clock in the evening as she wants to talk to all of them and would tell them everything in the evening only. razia is superdisturbed hearing this and thinking about the worst, she hopes that haseena doesnt know anything and thinks that its altogether in her hands to salvage the situation.

Scene 3:
Location: Asad’s residence
While zoya is looking for ways to cure depression on the net, she finds asad talking to someone on the phone. Thinking that it must be the same girl from last night from the flow of the conversation, she tries to hear the conversation by following him. while he’s probably talking to some business associate about his inability to leave india for a month, she thinks its definitely his gf and they are having issues in their love relation. Asad turns around to find zoya keen on listening. He asks her what the matter, she says she’s ok. he leaves but comes back again asking if she was trying to listen to his converstion. She stuffs loads of chips in her mouth and also drops some on the floor in doing that. asad irritated to his extreme leaves her and goes to his room. She thinks to herself that its because of this problem that asad’s mood is always angry. she is very haappy to find out that asad is in love. The screen freezes on her face.

Precap: None